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算法 - ESA 2006 /会议录

算法 - ESA 2006 /会议录

定 价:¥971.80

作 者: Yossi Azar 著
出版社: 崇文书局(原湖北辞书出版社)
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9783540388753 出版时间: 2006-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 14th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms, ESA 2006, held in Zurich, Switzerland, in September 2006, in the context of the combined conference ALGO 2006.The 70 revised full papers presented together with abstracts of 3 invited lectures were carefully reviewed and selected from 287 submissions. The papers address all current subjects in algorithmics, reaching from design and analysis issues of algorithms over to real-world applications and engineering of algorithms in various fields.


暂缺《算法 - ESA 2006 /会议录》作者简介


Invited Lectures
Origami,Linkages,and Polyhedra:Folding with Algorithms
Reliable and Efficient Geometric Computing
Some Computational Challenges in Today's Bio-medicine
Contributed Papers:Design and Analysis Track
Kinetic Collision Detection for Convex Fat Objects
Dynamic Connectivity for Axis-Paallel Rectangles
Single Machine Precedence Constrained Scheduling Is a Vertex Cover Problem
Cooperative TSP
Frechet Distance for Curves,Revisited
Resource Allocation in Bounded Degree Trees
Dynamic Algorithms for Graph Spanners
Latency Constrained Aggregation in Sensor Networks
Competitive Analysis of Flash-Memory Algorithms
Contention Resolution with Heterogeneous Algorithms
Contention Rsolution with Heterogeneous Job Sizes
Deciding Relaxed Two-Colorability-A Hardness Jump
Negative Examples for Sequential Importance Sampling of Binary Contingency Tables
Estimating Entropy over Data Streams
Neklaces,Convolutions,and X+Y
Purely Functional Worst Case Constant Time Catenable Sorted Lists
Taxes for Linear Atomic Congestion Games
Spanners with Slack
Compressed Indexes for Approximate String Matching
Traversing the Machining Graph
Efficient Computation of Nash Equilibria for Very Sparse Win-Lose Bimatrix Games
Distributed Almost Exact Approximations for Minor-Closed Families
Spectral Clustering by Recursive Partitioning
Contributed Papers:Engineering and Applications Track
Author Index
