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定 价:¥768.40

作 者: Sokratis K. Katsikas 著
出版社: 崇文书局(原湖北辞书出版社)
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9783540383413 出版时间: 2006-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Security, ISC 2006, held on Samos Island, Greece in August/September 2006.The 38 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 188 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on software security, privacy and anonymity, block ciphers and hash functions, digital signatures, stream ciphers, encryption, pervasive computing, network security, watermarking and digital rights management, intrusion detection and worms, key exchange, security protocols and formal methods, and information systems security.




Software Security
Extending .NET Security to Unmanaged Code
Transparent Run-Time Prevention of Format-String Attacks Via Dynamic Taint and Flexible Validation
Privacy and Anonymity
Low Latency Anonymity with Mix Rings
Breaking Four Mix-Related Schemes Based on Universal Re-encryption
Weak k-Anonymity: A Low-Distortion Model for Protecting Privacy
Protecting Data Privacy Negative Databases Through Hard-to-Reverse
Block Ciphers and Hash Functions
Related-Key Rectangle Attack on 42-Round SHACAL-2
On the Collision Resistance of RIPEMD-160
Digital Signatures
Blind Ring Signatures Secure Under the Chosen-Target-CDH Assumption
Multi-party Concurrent Signatures
Formal Security Model of Multisignatures
Cryptanalysis of Variants of UOV
Stream Ciphers
TRIVIUM: A Stream Cipher Construction Inspired by Block Cipher Design Principles
Cryptanalysis of the Bluetooth E0 Cipher Using OBDD's
Encryption I
A Partial Key Exposure Attack on RSA Using a 2-Dimensional Lattice
On the Integration of Public Key Data Encryption and Public Key Encryption with Keyword Search
Collusion-Free Policy-Based Encryption
Pervasive Computing
Using Multiple Smart Cards for Signing Messages at Malicious Terminals
Diverging Keys in Wireless Sensor Networks
Encryption II
A Generic Transformation from Symmetric to Asymmetric Broadcast Encryption
Transparent Image Encryption Using Progressive JPEG
Network Security
Watermarking and DRM
Intrusion Detection and Worms
Key Exchange
Securtiy Protocols and Formal Methods
Information Systems Security
Author Index
