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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科文化文化理论孔子,儒学与儒家学派(英)



定 价:¥128.00

作 者: 张玉慧 魏巍
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
丛编项: 中国人文标识系列
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787508551371 出版时间: 2024-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  


  千年来,孔子和儒家思想对中国的影响不仅体政治、经济、文化,也体现在中国人的行为和思维方式之中。本书从孔子的生平着手,回顾孔子以及儒家学派的基本思想、发展历程,介绍儒学是怎样逐渐成为古代中国的主导思想;反思近现代儒学遇到的艰巨挑战,经历的现代变革,总结儒学对中国与世界所产生的深远影响,以及如何型塑中国人的行为规范、思维方式和价值取向。For thousands of years, the influence of Confucius and Confucianism on China has not only been reflected in politics and culture, but also in Chinese people’s own behavior and way of thinking. The foundation of Chinese culture is Confucianism. It is Confucianism that has established the public order and good customs of Chinese society, and has also become the Chinese code of conduct. It is Confucianism that has shaped what it is to be Chinese. This book begins with the life of Confucius, provides an overview of the basic thought and development of Confucius and the Confucian school, and clarifies how Confucianism gradually became the dominant system of thought in ancient China. Giving profound consideration to the huge challenges and reform of modern Confucianism, it demonstrates the far-reaching influence of Confucianism on contemporary China and the world.


  Zhang YuhuiNow a university teacher, graduated from the School of History and Culture of Southwest University. She is mainly engaged in world history,Middle East history and ideological history research, and has done a lot of research on Confucianism.Wei WeiNow a university teacher, graduated from the School of Humanities of Shanghai Normal University, is mainly engaged in social history and ideological history research. He has a deep understanding of ancient Chinese history and the development of traditional thoughts.


ContentsPreface.......................................................................................01Chapter I Who was Confucius?Section 1 Peculiar Signs of the Sage.........................................................002Section 2 From ‘Devotion to Studying’ to ‘Tireless Learning’.....................005Section 3 Top Scholar Aims at Officialdom................................................013Section 4 Travelling to Other States to Pursue His Dream...........................027Section 5 The Great Master and His 3,000 Disciples ................................041Section 6 The Birth of the Confucian Canon —‘The Analects of Confucius’.....048Chapter II The Origins and Evolution of ConfucianismSection 1 Benevolence, Righteousness, Propriety, Wisdom and Trustworthiness..054Section 2 From the Contending of All Schools of Thought to Venerating Confucianism Alone ................................................061Section 3 The Syncretism of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism..............071Section 4 Neo-Confucianism of the Song Dynasty and the Culmination of Confucian Development............................................................078Section 5 Confucianism During the Ming and Qing Dynasties....................091Chapter III The Inheritance and Development of ConfucianismSection 1 The Tortuous Development of Modern Confucianism..................104Section 2 The Rise of Confucianism Fervor................................................111Section 3 Grand Activities in Memory of Confucius....................................115Section 4 Reviewing the Classics by Removing the Dross and Retaining the Essences...................................................................................121Chapter IV The Chinese View of ConfucianismSection 1 The Prevalent Decorum Culture.................................................126Section 2 Outer Round and Inner Square Social Behavior..........................133Section 3 Chinese Patriotism....................................................................136Section 4 The Chinese People’s Sense of a Native Hometown....................141Section 5 Social Ideal of Universal Peace..................................................148Chapter V Oriental Wisdom Shining Around the WorldSection 1 The Influence of Confucian Culture on Asia................................154Section 2 China Fever in the Modern West................................................165Section 3 ‘Within the Four Seas, All Men Are Brothers’...............................173Section 4 Inheritance of Confucianism by Overseas Chinese .....................180Appendix A Brief Chinese Chronology......................................................188
