

临时应急会话宝典 作者:(爱尔兰)艾诗琳

18.别犹豫了.快去做吧.Don’t hesitate, quickly get to work!

19.你很有希望!You are very promising!

20.下次努力吧!Try hard next time!


Saying Thank you!

1. 谢谢!Thank you!

2. 太感谢你了!Thank you so much!

3.你帮了我一个大忙!You‘ve been a big help.

4.谢谢你的关心!Thank you for your concern!

5.谢谢你的提醒!Thank you for the reminder.

6. 谢谢你的邀请!Thank you for the invitation.

7. 我欠你太多了.I owe you too much already.

8. 真不知道怎么感谢你!I don’t know how to thank you.

9.没有你,我肯定输了!Without you, I would def-initely have lost.

10.为了表达我的谢意,这是一份小礼物,希望你收下 . I hope you will accept this small gift as a token of my gratitude.


Responding to Gratitude

1. 不客气!You are welcome!

2. 你太客气了.You are very welcome!

3.我也没帮上什么忙!I haven‘t helped at all!

4.很高兴能帮你!I was happy to help you!

5.不客气,朋友应该互相帮助.You are welcome, friends must help each other.

6. 这是我应该做的,你太客气了.This is my duty, you are too polite.

7. 不客气,有问题你再给我打电话.You are welcome, call me if you have any further prob- lems.

8. 很高兴你喜欢这个礼物.I’m happy you like the gift!

9.能帮你,我感到很荣幸.I am honoured to help you.

10.下次有麻烦,早点告诉我! Next time you have any problems, call me a little earlier!



1. 我同意.I agree.

2. 你的想法很好!Your idea is good!

3.你对了.You are right.

4.我没意见.I have no objection.

5.我支持你.I support you.

6. 你的决定是对的.Your decision is correct.

7. 我也是这么想的.That‘s what I was thinking.

8. 算我一个.Count me in.

9.我想我只能听你的了.I would just like to listen to you.

10.你可以这么做了.I can do it this way.



1. 我反对.I don’t agree.

2. 我不这么想.That‘s not what I think.

3.你错了.You are wrong.

4.你再好好想想吧.You’d better to think again.


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