

临时应急会话宝典 作者:(爱尔兰)艾诗琳

3.好像要下雨.Looks like it will rain.

4.明天有雨.Tomorrow will rain.

5.风太大了.It’s too windy.

6. 希望雨明天能停.I hope the rain stops tomor- row.

7. 今天天气不错.The weather is pretty good today.

8. 北京冬天冷死了.The winter in Beijing is freezing cold.

9. 我喜欢春天,很暖和.I like springtime, it‘s nice and warm.

10. 秋天的风很大.The wind blows hard in autumn .

11.昨天晚上的雨真大.It rained hard last night.

12.外边现在在下雨.Right now it’s raining out- side.

13.太热了,我想去海边.It‘s too hot, I want to go to the seaside.

14. 天气预报说,明天会下雪.The weather forecast said it might snow tomorrow.

15. 要下雨了,可是我没带伞.It’s going to rain, but I didn‘t bring an umbrella.

16. 真受不了这种天气.I can’t take this weather.

17.天气终于晴了,已经下了3天雨了.The weather is finally clear after 3 days of rain.

18.雾太大,不能开车.It‘s too foggy, you can’t drive a car.

19.我被淋湿了.I‘m soaked through.

20.今天多少度?What’s the temperature today?


Recent Situations

1. 最近你在忙什么?What have you been busy with recently?

2. 最近忙吗?Have you been busy recently?

3.工作顺利吗?Is everything going well at work?

4.这个月累死了.I‘ve been dead tired this month.

5.这个星期总睡不好.I’ve slept badly all this week.

6. 听说你搬家了.I‘ve heard you have moved house.

7. 我要退休了.I want to retire.

8. 我有了一个新的女朋友.I have a new girlfriend.

9.我要结婚了.I want to get married.

10.她生了一个女儿.She has had a baby girl.



1. 周末是我的生日,你来参加我的生日party吧.It’s my birthday this wee-kend, can you come to my birthday party?

2. 明天来我家玩儿吧.Come over to my house tomorrow to hang out.

3.明天晚上你想出去吃饭吗?Tomorrow night, would you like to go out to eat?

4.我买了两张电影票,你想去看吗?I bought two cinema tickets, would you like to go watch a film?


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