
《剑桥中国哲学导论》第二节 道之为实在:探寻新的实在(5)

剑桥中国哲学导论 作者:(新加坡)赖蕴慧

Heaven and Earth leave what is natural (Tzu-jan [ziran],Self-so) alone. They do nothing and create nothing. The myriad things manage and order themselves. Therefore they are not benevolent. One who is benevolent will create things,set things up,bestow benefits on them and infuluence them. He gives favors and does something. When he creates,sets things up,bestows benefits on things and infuluences them,then things will lose their true being... Animals eat straw,though the earth does not reproduce it for them. Men eat dogs,though(heaven)does not produce doges for them. If nothing is done to the myriad things,each will accord with its function,and everything is then self-sufficient.(Rump 1979:17)

在王弼看来,天地之道无疑具有行为导向的意义。上面这段《道德经》第五章的注释告诉我们师法自然事件。自然事件给予我们的教诲表明,人世间的刻意筹划与自然界的自发事件相背。这段注释解释“天地不仁,以万物为刍狗”。王弼把“刍狗”解作“刍”与“狗”,以此阐明自然界中的事物不同种类及其脆弱性。包括人类在内,无物可以抗拒外界变化的力量。在此意义上,万物一如。刘殿爵对“刍狗”另有一解。他说,“据《庄子·天运》,刍狗在献祭之前备受尊崇,而一旦完成使命便遭抛弃践踏”(1963:61)。刘殿爵认为刍狗的命运可以这样理解:在自然事件的演变中,万物各有其时,一旦过时便会消逝无痕。在自然的轮转中,没有永恒之物,也没有独受青睐者。【Ames and Hall 2003:85.】有意思的是,这两种对“刍狗”的不同解释却引出了相似的结论:“刍狗”的寓意在于,设想人类优于其他存在者是不正当的,而它所引发的后果则是灾难性的。



Nature [ziran] says few words.

For the same reason a whirlwind does not last a whole morning.

Nor does a rainstorm last a whole day.

What causes them?

It is Heaven and Earth (Nature).

If even Heaven and Earth cannot make them last long,how much less can man?(Chan 1963b:141)


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