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作 者: 刘新军,曹乾主编
出版社: 中国劳动社会保障出版社
丛编项: 医疗保险系列教材
标 签: 专业英语


ISBN: 9787504533708 出版时间: 2002-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 23cm 页数: 141页 字数:  


  面向21世纪课程教材 医疗保险系列教材。




UNIT 1 Methods of Health Care Financing
UNIT 2 The Key Concepts of Provider Payment Mechanisms
UNIT 3 Methods and Methodological Issues in National Health Expenditure Estimates
UNIT 4 Health Care Policy Objectives
UNIT 5 Key Objectives of Health Care Financing Policy (Part A)
UNIT 6 Key Objectives of Health Care Financing Policy (Part B)
UNIT 7 Regulation with Regard to Efficiency of Social Health Insurance System
UNIT 8 Equity in the Delivery and Financing of Health Care
UNIT 9 Cost-effectiveness Analysis in Health Care: First Principles
UNIT 10 Difficulties in Health Sector Reform
UNIT 11 Health Costs and Health Insurance in Canada
UNIT 12 Results of the Oregon Health Plan
UNIT 13 Health Costs and Funding in Australia
UNIT 14 Financing the National Health Service in England in the 1980s
UNIT 15 Health Costs and Health Insurance in the United States in the 1980s
UNIT 16 Health Insurance and Health Costs in Japan in the 1980s
UNIT 17 Health Insurance in Germany
