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定 价:¥5.90

作 者: 李金达编著
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
标 签: 写作/翻译


ISBN: 9787560013336 出版时间: 2000-02-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 20cm 页数: 162 字数:  


  Shortcut to Writing 一书由8个章节组成(见Table of Contents)。为方便读者,书中讲解部分中英文并用。读者对象包括大专学生和具有同等学历的英语爱好者。编写此书的指导思想是:删繁就简;贴近生活;语言规范;易于模仿。 本书所选用的例子和范文既有外国作家写他们本国,外国人写中国,也有中国人写中国以及中国人写外国。读者可以根据需要从自己最熟悉和最感兴趣的题材开始,通过理解欣赏——机构模仿——自由写作进行自学。 读者可按以下顺序进行阅读和模仿:1.中国人写中国,如:Two Persons I Know;A Stamp Incident;I Need a New Bike等。2.外国人写中国,如 Different Types of American Tourists in China;Alarming Scale of Road Accidents.3.中国人写外国,如 Splendour of the Fall;Bryant's Two Poems on Mortality。4.外国人写他们本国,如 Careless Drivers;What I Have Lived for;A Study of the Various Interpretations of Young Goodman Brown等。Shortcut to Writing 一书由8个章节组成(见Table of Contents)。为方便读者,书中讲解部分中英文并用。读者对象包括大专学生和具有同等学历的英语爱好者。编写此书的指导思想是:删繁就简;贴近生活;语言规范;易于模仿。 本书所选用的例子和范文既有外国作家写他们本国,外国人写中国,也有中国人写中国以及中国人写外国。读者可以根据需要从自己最熟悉和最感兴趣的题材开始,通过理解欣赏——机构模仿——自由写作进行自学。 读者可按以下顺序进行阅读和模仿:1.中国人写中国,如:Two Persons I Know;A Stamp Incident;I Need a New Bike等。2.外国人写中国,如 Different Types of American Tourists in China;Alarming Scale of Road Accidents.3.中国人写外国,如 Splendour of the Fall;Bryant's Two Poems on Mortality。4.外国人写他们本国,如 Careless Drivers;What I Have Lived for;A Study of the Various Interpretations of Young Goodman Brown等。TOP目录 1.Writing a Paragraph 段落写作2.Description 描述文3.Narration 叙事文4.Exposition 说明文5.Summary 概述6.Writing Essays in English 用英语写论文7.Business Letter 商务信函8.Tips on Telexes & Abbreviations 如何发电传及如何使用缩略形式 TOP书摘书摘 On the Airplane I was sitting on the aisle seat, and my father was next to me talking to an old woman from Dayton, Ohio. She was telling my father about her nephews in Seattle while I listened, eating my turkey sandwich. I noticed two of the crew members in the aisle had stripped away a section of carpeting and were climbing down into the fuselage of the plane. I asked my father about it, and he said that they must be repairing something.They remained inside the entrails of the plane for a long time. Meanwhile, the stewardesses were picking up empty trays and carefully evading all questions about the two men under the aisle. Then we all knew.“Good afternoon, this is Captain Williams speaking. We have encountered some difficulty in our landing gear carriage.The two crew members inside the fuselage now are inspecting the landing gear and repairing it. Please do not be alarmed.The situation will be remedied momentarily. Thank you.”After the announcement, everyone spoke a little quieter, not wanting to let on that the announcement had bothered them. The stewardesses were trotting around with the same plastic grins asking people if there was anything that they would like. There seemed to be a lot more people drinking liquor.The old woman from Ohio was telling my father that this was the first time she had ever flown in an airplane and that she was afraid something like this was going to happen. My father told her that he was sure that everything was going to be OK. Just then the captain came on again.“We have inspected the landing gear and determined the problem. We have repaired it to the best of our abilities and think it will hold during landing. It is securely in place now but there is a chance that it will not remain like that while we land.We are now flying circles over Seattle so as to use up the extra fuel which could possibly catch on fire if we were to belly land. I have notified the Seattle Airport and they are clearing a runway for us. Thank you very much.” After that everyone was even quieter. Some whispered and others just looked around to express their nervous feelings. A man across the aisle ordered a double Scotch for his wife and himself. His wife was clutching a Kleenex in one hand and holding her husband’s arm with the other. She was crying silently and her tears rolled down her cheeks and onto her plaid dress. Her husband was stroking her hair and telling her quietly that everything was going to be all right.A stewardess stopped and asked me if there was anything that I would like. I said no, and she smiled and moved on. I respected her for smiling at everyone while we were all in the midst of what could be a disaster.I looked over at my father and was just going to ask him a question which he couldn't answer when he looked me in the eyes and told me not to be afraid. I was going to say something when the captain came on again.“We will be landing in exactly ten minutes. Five minutes from now, we will be passing out pillows and blankets for those that would like them to cover their heads when in the emergency positions for landing. I repeat, please do not be frightened.”The woman by the window was looking at snap-shots of her family talking silently to each one as if reciting a poem. My father had his arm around my shoulders and was talking to me. His voice was calm and measured, but I could see sweat standing out on his forehead.“It is now five minutes to landing time. If you would like a pillow, press your “hostess” call button and a pillow will be brought to you. Please stay calm and your collaboration is very important. Thank you.”My father's grip tightened on my shoulders and I was glad that he was giving me strength. The husband and wife across the aisle were embracing and tears were gliding down her swollen, pink, cheeks.“Will everyone please get into their emergency positions. Be calm and please do as we say. There are now two and a half minutes until landing.” I pressed my chin on my knees and closed my eyes after looking towards my father and seeing the old woman beyond him praying. Eyes closed, I could hear the stewardesses walking in the aisle and the old woman’s voice.“One minute until landing.” The only sound was that of the plane gliding slowly down. Everyone waited silently.“Thirty seconds, twenty, ten...”I felt the plane touch down on the runway, lurch, then begin to roll in the usual jerking way. I got up from my position slowly and saw firetrucks and ambulances lining the sides of the runway. I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. “We made it,” my father said, his voice hoarse. The couple across the aisle kissed, and she lay her head on his shoulder. The old woman from Dayton, Ohio said, “I swear to God that I will never ride another airplane as long I live.” My father laughed and kissed her on the cheek.Writing Essays in English 用英语写论文Presented before the reader are six essays of different types, which respectively come under travel notes, linguistics, Englsih literature and American literature. Students are encouraged to read and make a study of these essays in the hope that they will get some inspiration of how to go about an eassy in English. To be able to write an English essay, the student must, apart from a fairly good command of the English language, be well acquainted with the subject he/she is writing about.Five of the six essays listed below are written by Chinese. This is deliberately arranged to show our reader what we Chinese, non-native speakers of English, can hopefully accomplish in writing. Nonetheless, we still provide an essay written by an American student to draw our reader's attention to the difference in style, format, diction and way of thinking between Chinese students who learn English as an acquired language and Americans who speak and use the English language as their mother tongue, a language they are born with.The titles of the six essays are:Splendour of the Fall—A Glimpse of the Life of Senior Viennese (Travel Notes)Teaching of English Phonetics in China(Linguistics)Love Prevails Over Hate (English Literature)A Study of the Various Interpretations of “Young Goodman Brown” (American Literature)“As Loving Hind”by Bradstreet (American Literature)Bryant’s Two Poems on Mortality (American Literature)本书收录的六篇论文分属四种不同类型,即游记、语言学、英国文学和美国文学。同学们可以仔细阅读这几篇论文以便从中得到启发,以后自己也学着写。要写好一篇论文除了有较为扎实的英语基本功之外,还必须熟悉自己所写的论文的主题及内容。六篇论文中有五篇是中国人写的,其目的是想告诉读者中国人也能写好英文。尽管如此,我们还是为大家提供一篇由美国学生写的论文。毕竟中国学生的英语不是母语,是后学的,而美国人的英文则是母语。可以说是生来就会的。我们可从中找出他们在风格、格式、用词甚至思想方式上存在的差异。六篇论文的题目分别是:秋天的色彩——维也纳老人生活一瞥(游记)中国的英语语音教学一览(语言学)爱战胜恨(英国文学)对《好青年布朗》不同解释的研究(美国文学)布雷兹特里特的爱情诗(美国文学)布赖恩特论人生终极的两首诗(美国文学)……TOP 其它信息 装帧:精装页数:162 开本:32开




I. Writing a Paragraph  段落写作
II.Description  描述文
III.Narration  叙事文
IV.Exposition  说明文
V.Summary  概述
VI.Writing Essays in English  用英语写论文
VII.Business Letter  商务信函
VIII.Tips on Telexes & Abbreviations  如何发电传及如何使用缩略形式
