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当前位置: 首页出版图书经济管理管理企业管理变革的力量:领导与管理的差异



定 价:¥52.00

作 者: (美)科特(Kotter,J.P.)著
出版社: 西蒙与舒特出版公司
丛编项: 哈佛商学经典
标 签: 变革管理


ISBN: 9787508014593 出版时间: 1998-01-01 包装: 精装
开本: 25cm 页数: 177 字数:  


  This book is the product of a research program in managerial/executive behavior which began with my doctoral dissertaion on big city mayors.Other parts of that program have focused on the major contextual factors that shape the way in which managers act,executive careers,both the organizational and the power and influence sapects of managerial work ,the history and behavior of a group of successful general managers, and corporate efforts to create a leadership capacity in their management hierarchies.


  约翰·科特,JOHN P.KOTTER is Professor of Organizational Behavior ta the Harvard Business School.He has won McKinsey Awards for two Harvard Business Review artichles and has received the 1985 Johnson,Smith and Knisely Award for new perspectives on exe


    1. Management and Leadership
    2. Leadership in Action
   The Process of Leadership
    3. Establishing Direction
    4. Aligning People
    5. Motivating and Inspiring
   The Structure of Leadership
    6. Multiple Roles
    7. Thick Informal Networks
    The Origins of Leadership
    8. Heredity and Childhood
    9. Career Experiences
    10. Corporate Culture
   Appendix: The Research
