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定 价:¥7.80

作 者: 阿加莎.克里斯蒂(英)
出版社: 外文出版社
丛编项: 世界著名侦探小说
标 签: 小说


ISBN: 9787119016788 出版时间: 1996-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 36开 页数: 233 字数:  






   Part I TheFacts
    1. An Important Passenger on the Taurus Express
    2. The Tokatlian Hotel
    3. Poirot Refuses a Case
    4. A Cry In The Night
    5. TheCrime
    6. AWoman?
    7. TheBody
    8. The Armstrong Kidnapping Case
   Part II TheEvidence
    1. The Evidence of the Wagon Lit Conductor
    2. The Evidence of the Secretary
    3. TheEvidenceoftheValet
    4. The Evidence of the American Lady
    5. The Evidence of the Swedish Lady
    6. The Evidence ofthe Russian Princess
    7. The Evidence ofCount and Countess Andrenyi
    8. TheEvidenceofColonelArbuthnot
    9. TheEvidenceofMrHardman
    10. The Evidence of the Italian
    11. The Evidence of Miss Debenham
    12. The Evidence ofthe German Lady's-Maid
    13. SummaryofthePassengers'Evidence
    14. TheEvidenceoftheWeapon
    15. The Evidence of the Passengers' Luggage
   Part III Hercule Poirot Sits Back and Thinks
    1. WhichofThem?
    2. Ten Questions
    3. Certain Suggestive Points
    4. The Grease Spot on a Hungarian Passport
    5. The Christian Name of Princess Dragomiroff
    6. A Second Interview with Colonel Arbuthnot
    7. TheIdentityofMaryDebenham
    8. Further Surprising Revelations
    9. Poirot Propounds Two Solutions
