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MCSE Windows 2000 Server考试指南(英文原版)

MCSE Windows 2000 Server考试指南(英文原版)

定 价:¥35.00

作 者: (美)Scott Johnson Lisa Donald James Chellis
出版社: 电子工业出版社
丛编项: Windows 2000 MCSE考试指南系列
标 签: 微软认证


ISBN: 9787505363557 出版时间: 2000-11-01 包装:
开本: 787*1092 1/16 页数: 352 字数:  


  Microsoft's new Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) track for Windows 2000 is the premier certification for computer industry professionals. Covering the core technologies around which Microsoft's future will be built. the new MCSE certification is a powerful credential for career advancement. This book has been developed, in cooperation with Microsoft Corporation, to give you the critical skills and knowledge you need to prepare for one of the core requirements of the new MCSE certification program for Windows 2000 Server. You will find the information you need to acquire a solid understanding of Windows 2000 Server, to prepare for Exam 70-215: Installing, Configuring, and Admlnistering Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, and to progress toward MCSE certification.


暂缺《MCSE Windows 2000 Server考试指南(英文原版)》作者简介


Chapter 1 Install Windows 2000 Server
Perform an attended installation of windows 2000 server
perform an unattended installation of windows 2000 server
upgrade a server from microsoft windows nt 4.0
deploy service packs
troubleshoot failed installations
Chapter 2 Installing,Configuring,and Troubleshooting Access to Resources
install and configure network services for interoperability
monitor,configure,troubleshoot,and control access to printers
monitor,configure,troubleshoot and control access to files,folders,and shared 
Monitor,configure,troubleshoot and control access to web sites
Chapter 3 Managing Hardware Devices and Drivers
Configure hardware devices
configure driver signing options
update device drivers
troubleshoot problems with hardware
Chapter 4 System Performance ,Reliability,and Availability
monitor and optimize usage of system resources
manage processes
optimize disk performance
manage an optimize availability of system state data and user data
recover system state data and user data
Chapter 5 Managing,Configuring,and Troubleshooting storage use
monitor,configure,and troubleshoot disks and volumes
configure data compression
monitor and configure disk quotas
recover from disk failures
Chapter 6 Configuring and troubleshooting windows 2000 network connections
install,configure,and troubleshoot shared access
install,configure and troubleshoot a virtual private network
install configure and troubleshoot network protocols
install and configure network services
configure,monitor,and troubleshoot remote access
install configure and troubleshoot terminal services
install configure and troubleshoot network adapters and drivers
Chapter 7 Implementing,Monitoring,and Troubleshooting Security
encrypt data on a dard disk by using Encrypting file system
implement,configure,manage,and troubleshoot policies in a windows 2000 environment
implement configure manage and troubleshoot auditing
implement configure manage and troubleshoot local accounts
implement configure manage and troubleshoot account policy
implement configure manage and troubleshoot security by using the security 
configuration tool set
