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定 价:¥25.00

作 者: 范建华
出版社: 苏州大学出版社
标 签: 阅读


ISBN: 9787810903929 出版时间: 2004-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 259 字数:  






Passage I My First Day at School
Passage 2 Pupils Cherish Opportunities
Passage 3 Diamonds
Passage 4 The Underworld
Passage 5 Cats
Passage 6 How Lions Hunt
Passage 7 How Animals Keep Warm
Passage 8 Money
Passage 9 Gold
Passage 10 Rail Industry Monopoly
Passage 11 Fit to Be President
Passage 12 The Olympic Games
Passage 13 The United Nations
Passage 14 Auction Sales
Passage 15 Postmen with Feathers
Passage 16 Early Days of the Mail
Passage 17 A Time of Gifts
Passage 18 The Royal Life
Passage 19 Learning by Doing
Passage 20 Learning a Language
Passage 21 How Hurricanes Get Their Names
Passage 22 Clocks Through Time
Passage 23 Canning Food
Passage 24 Dried Food
Passage 25 Pasteurization
Passage 26 Making Leather
Passage 27 Pottery
Passage 28 The Plane Makers
Passage 29 The History of Chemistry
Passage 30 Vitamins
Passage 31 To Be or Not to Be a Vegetarian
Passage 32 Modem Surgery
Passage 33 Rabies
Passage 34 Culture Shock
Passage 35 The Green Banana
Passage 36 Our First Words
Passage 37 Dreams--What Do They Mean?
Passage 38 The Secrets of Sleep
Passage 39 Eyeless Sight
Passage 40 Uri Geller's Extraordinary Powers
Passage 41 The Dangers of Space
Passage 42 The New Map of Mars
Passage 43 The Advantages of Being Single
Passage 44 Does Travel Broaden the Mind?
Passage 45 Bringing up Children (Part 1 )
Passage 46 Bringing up Children (Part 2)
Passage 47 Etiquette ( Part 1 )
Passage 48 Etiquette (Part 2)
Passage 49 United Nations Jobs Open
Passage 50 Gua Sha Opens in China
Passage 51 National Apprenticeship
Passage 52 Our Future
Passage 53 Population Growth and Industry
Passage 54 Too Many People?
Passage 55 Packaging: The Insane Waste of Making Things to Be Thrown Away
Passage 56 Saving the Left-overs
Passage 57 Pollution: A Threat to Our Environment
Passage 58 A Noisy Increase in the Standard of Living
Passage 59 Oil Wealth Flows UP the Voe
Passage 60 Detectives' Lives--Fact and Fantasy
Passage 61 Shaka--King of the Zulus
Passage 62 Lost World of the Katahari
Passage 63 A Sunrise on the Veld
Passage 64 Two Ways of Looking at Life
Passage 65 The Door Swings Open
Passage 66 Show Me the Way to Go Home
Keys for References
