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Dragon Tales :A Collection of Chinese Stories(龙的传说 英文本)

Dragon Tales :A Collection of Chinese Stories(龙的传说 英文本)

定 价:¥0.00

作 者: 暂缺
出版社: 中国文学出版社
标 签: 文学艺术

ISBN: 9787507100242 出版时间: 1994-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 232 字数:  


  In China,its home,there are many fantastic stories and legends about the dragon.Contained in this collection are some of the finest classical and modern examples.They include "The Rakshas and the Sea Market"and "The Princess of the West Lake",both by the well-known Qing-dynasty writer Pu Songling(1640-1715),telling of the wonders of a dragon palace and of love between dragons and human beings;"Tripod Lake and the Golden Lotus Flowers",the story of how the first Chinese ruler,Huang Di,was transported to fairyland on the back of a dragon;and "The Looking-to-Mother Shoal;,which tells how human beings were transformed into dragons.These intriguing,entertaining tales reflect the rich imagination and high aspirations of the Chinese people.


暂缺《Dragon Tales :A Collection of Chinese Stories(龙的传说 英文本)》作者简介


暂缺《Dragon Tales :A Collection of Chinese Stories(龙的传说 英文本)》目录
