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定 价:¥39.00

作 者: 卡尔·S·沃伦(Carl S.Warren)、詹姆斯·M·里夫(James M.Reeve)、菲利普·E·费斯(Philip E.Fess)
出版社: 中国人民大学出版社
丛编项: 工商管理经典教材·会计与财会系列
标 签: 会计理论


ISBN: 9787300079691 出版时间: 2007-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 443 字数:  


  迄今为止,全球已有超过1150万名学生阅读了Accounting一书,并从中受益。Accounting(21e)在前20版成功经验的基础上,关注未来会计学面临的挑战,力图以创新性的学习系统将会计原则应用于会计实务,反映了当前企业经营的特征,该书以清晰的结构和创新的教学艺术,展现了最为全面的会计学知识。Accounting(21e)包含三部分内容:会计学原理、财务会计和管理会计。 在改编过程中,为了更好地适应国内高校会计学课程双语教学的需要,降低价格,减轻学生负担,本着“取其精华”的原则,删除了与中国资本市场目前的实际情况相差较远、国内会计学教学中往往不涉及或很少涉及的内容。 改编后的《会计学》(第21版)以其精炼的语言风格和与时俱进的内容体系,必将成为高等院校会计学专业或非会计专业进行双语教学的重要教材,也将成为普通高等教育经济和管理类本科生学习和掌握会计学基本内容的经典英文教科书之一。此外,本书特别适合作为高等院校MBA和EMBA教育的教科书或重要参考书目。为了向国内读者全面展现这部会计巨著的风采和魅力,与英文版配套的中文译本也由杜兴强教授组织进行了翻译。英文版和中文版相互印证,必将提高教学和学习的效率。 配套教辅与网上资源原版配套教辅包括:英文PPT、教师指导手册、习题解答、题库等。 中国人民大学出版社工商管理事业部的网站(www.rdjg.com.cn)上还为广大读者提供了原版书中被删除的习题、部分整体章节,中英文对照的术语表,中英文对照的原版书目录等,有兴趣的读者可上网免费下载。


  卡尔·S·沃伦(Carl S.Warren),佐治亚大学会计学院名誉教授,曾在爱达荷州立大学、密歇根州立大学和芝加哥大学任教。沃伦博士主要从事会计和审计原理的教学,对互动式教学很有兴趣,经常从同事那里学习如何改进学生学习和理解会计的能力。詹姆斯·M·里夫(James M.Reeve),田纳西大学会计学教授,主要讲授会计学原理课程。除了丰富的教学经验外,里夫教授还在Accounting(21e)中加入了许多知名公司在管理会计方面的经验,如宝洁、可口可乐、索尼和波音公司等。菲利普·E·费斯(Philip E.Fess),伊利诺大学会计学名誉教授。Accounting一书汇集了费斯教授40多年的心血结晶。在该书一版再版的过程中,费斯教授和其他作者认真听取教科书使用者的意见并仔细修改,不断进行内容的完善和创新。费斯教授的创造力、创新想法和清晰而简明的写作风格使该书会计学原理教科书中一直保持领先地位。


1. Introduction to Accounting and Business
Nature of a Business
The Role of Accounting in Business
Business Ethics
Profession of Accounting
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
Assets,Liabilities,and Owner's Equity
Business Transactions and the Accounting Equation
Financial Statements
Financial Analysis and Interpretation
2. Analyzing Transactions
Usefulness of an Account
Chabacteristics of an Account
Analyzing and Summarizing Transactions in Accounts
Illustration of Analyzing and Summarizing Transactions
Trial Balance
Discovery and Correction of Errors
Financial Analysis and Interpretation
3. The Matching Concept and the Adjusting Process
The Matching Concept
Nature of the Adjusting Process
Recording Adjusting Entries
Summary of Adjustment Process
Financial Analysis and Interpretation
4. Completing the Accounting Cycle
Accounting Cycle
Work Sheet
Financial Statements
Adjusting and Closing Entries
Fiscal Year
Financial Analysis and Interpretation
5. Accounting for Merchandising Businesses
Nature of Merchandising Businesses
Financial Statements for a Merchandising Business
Sales Transactions
Purchase Transactions
Tbansporation Costs,Sales Taxes,and Trade Discounts
Illustration of Accounting for Merchandise Transactions
Chart of Accounts for a Merchandising Business
The Accounting Cycle for a Merchandising Business
Financial Analysis and Interpretation
6. Cash
Nature of Cash and the Importance of Controls Over Cash
Control of Cash Receipts
Internal Control of Cash Payments
Bank Accounts:Their Nature and Use as a Control Over Cash
Bank Reconciliation
Petty Cash
Presentation of Cash on the Balance Sheet
Financial Anarysis and Interpretation
7. Receivables
Classification of Receivables
Onternal Control of Receivables
Uncollectible Receivables
Allowance Method of Accounting for Uncollectibles
Direct Write-Off Method of Accounting for Uncollectibles
Characteristics of Notes Receivable
Accounting for Notes Receivable
Receivables on the Balance Sheet
Financial Analysis and Interpretation
8. Inventories
0nternal Control of Inventories
Eftect of Inventory Errors on Financial Statements
Inventory Cost Flow Assumptions
Inventory Costing Methods Under a Perpetual Inventory System
Inventory Costing Methods Under a Periodic Inventory System
Comparing Inventory Costing Methods
Valuation of Inventory at Other than Cost
Presenting Merchandise Inventory on the Balance Sheet
Estimating Inventory Cost
Financial Analysis and Interpretation
9. Fixed Assets and Intangible Assets
Nature of Fixed Assets
Accounting for Depreciation
Capital and Revenue Expenditures
Disposal of Fixed Assets
Leasing Fixed Assets
Interna0 Control of Fixed Assets
Natural Resources
Intangible Assets
Financial Reporting for Fixed Assets and Intangible Assets
Financial Analysls and Interpretation
10. Current Liabilities
The Nature of Current Liabilities
Short-Term Notes Payable and Current Potion of LongKerm Debt
Contingent Liabilities
11. Corporations:Organization,Capital Stock Transactions,and Dividends
Nature of a Corporation
Sources of Paid-In Capital
Issuing Stock
Treasury Stock Transactions
Stock Splits
Accounting for Dividends
Reporting Stockholders'Equity
Financial Analysis and Intehpretation
12. Income Taxes,Unusual Income Items,and Investments in Stocks
Corporate Income Taxes
Unusual Items Affecting the Income Statement
Earnings per Common Share
Comprehensive Income
Accounting for Investments in Stocks
Business Combinations
Financial Analysis and Interphetation
13.Bonds Payable and Investments in Bonds
Financing Corporations
Characteristics of Bonds Payable
The Present-Value Concept and Bonds Payable
Accounting for Bonds Payable
Bond Sinking Funds
Bond Redemption
Investments in Bonds
Corporation Balance Sheet
Financial Analysis and Intehpretation
14. Statement of Cash Flows
Reporting Cash Flows
Statement of Cash Flows——The Indirect Method
Statement of Cash Flows——The Direct Method
Financial Analysis and Intebpbetation
15. Financial Statement Analysis
Basic Analytical Procedures
Solvency Analysis
Profitability Analysis
Summary of Analytical Measures
Corporate Annual Reports
16. Introduction to Managerial Accounting and Job Order Cost Systems
The Differences Between Managerial and Financial Accounting
The Management Accountant in the Organization
Manufacturing Cost Terms
Cost Accounting System Overview
Job Order Cost Systems for Manufacturing Businesses
Job Order Costing for Decision Making
Job Order Cost Systems for Professional Service Businesses
17. Process Cost Systems
Comparing Job Order Costing and Process Costing
Physical Flows and Cost Flows for a Process Manufacture
The First-In,First-Out(Fifo)Method
Bringing It All Together:The Cost of Production Report
Journal Entries for a Process Cost System
Using the Cost of Production Report for Decision Making
Just-in-Time Processing
18. Cost Behavior and Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
Cost Behavior
Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships
Mathematical Approach to Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
Graphic Approach to Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
Sales Mix Cons5dehations
Special Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships
Assumptions of Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
19. Budgeting
Nature and Objectives of Budgeting
Budgeti ng Systems
Master Budget
Income Statement Budgets
Balance Sheet Budgets
20. Performance Evaluation Using Variances from Standard Costs
Budgetary Performance Evaluation
Direct Materials Variances
Direct Labor Variances
Factory Overhead Variances
Recording and Reporting Variances from Standards
Standards for Nonmanufacturing Expenses
Nonfinancial Performance Measures
21. Differential Analysis and Product Pricing
Differential Analysis
Setting Normal Product Selling Prices
Product Profitability and Pricing Under Production Bottlenecks
22. Capital Investment Analysis
Nature of Capital Investment Analysis
Methods of Evaluating Capital Investment Proposals
Factors that Complicate Capital Investment Analysis
Capital Rationing
Appendix:Interest Tables
