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LINUX技术手册(影印版 第5版)

LINUX技术手册(影印版 第5版)

定 价:¥98.00

作 者: (美)韦伯,(美)洛夫,(美)罗宾斯 著
出版社: 东南大学出版社
标 签: LINUX


ISBN: 9787564107789 出版时间: 2007-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 925 字数:  


  《Linux技术手册》目前已更新到第五版,作为最不可或缺的GNU/Linux书籍,它在Linux社区里赢得了很多赞誉。这是一本为Linux用户每天查阅命令而准备的重要案头参考书,深入而实用。秉承“技术手册”系列丛书的一贯风格,本书此前的几个版本一直畅销至今。《Linux技术手册》(第五版)覆盖了大多数通用Linux发行版中所有与拥护、编程、管理和网络相关的实际操作命令。这里汇集了多种快速参考文档:bash、ksh、Emacs、vi、sed、gawk、CVS、Subversion、正则表达式、包管理和引导装载程序等,它们与核心命令行实用程序一起全部被纳入这本清晰扼要的手册之中。本书所提及的内容均已在Fedora、Novell/suSE和 Debian系统上测试通过(在其他发行版中也做过部分测试)。没有一本书能涵盖完全由某一个主流Linux发行版所提供的所有命令,而本书所包含的这个丰富命令集可适用于大多数发行版的用户。《Linux技术手册》(第五版)不仅仅是一份参考列表。实用程序的诸多精妙细节都通过实例进行详细讲解。描述模式匹配(正则表达式)和版本控制的相关章节均会向读者介绍这些关键工具的背景知识。


暂缺《LINUX技术手册(影印版 第5版)》作者简介


1. Introduction
The Excitement of Linux
Distribution and Support
Commands on Linux
What This Book Offers
Sources and Licenses
Beginners Guide
2. System and Network Administration Overview.
Common Commands
Overview of Networking
Overview of TCP/IP
Overview of Firewalls and Masquerading
Overview of NFS
Overview of NIS
Administering NIS
3. tinux Commands
Alphabetical Summary of Commands
4. Boot Methods
The Boot Process
LILO: The Linux Loader
GRUB: The Grand Unified Bootloader
GRUB Commands
Dual-Booting Linux and Windows NT/2000/XP
Boot-Time Kernel Options
initrd: Using a RAM Disk
5. Package Management
The Red Hat Package Manager
Yum: Yellowdog Updater Modified
up2date: Red Hat Update Agent
The Debian Package Manager
6. The Bash Shell and Korn Shell
Overview of Features
Invoking the Shell
Arithmetic Expressions
Command History
Job Control
Command Execution
Restricted Shells
Built-in Commands (Bash and Korn Shells)
7. Pattern Matching
Filenames Versus Patterns
Metacharacters, Listed by Program
Examples of Searching
8. The Emacs Editor
Conceptual Overview
Command-Line Syntax
Summary of Commands by Group
Summary of Commands by Key
Summary of Commands by Name
9. The vi, ex, and vim Editors
Conceptual Overview
Command-Line Syntax
Review of vi Operations
vi Commands
vi Configuration
ex Basics
Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands
10. Thesed Editor
Conceptual Overview
Command-Line Syntax
Syntax of sed Commands
Group Summary of sed Commands
Alphabetical Summary of sed Commands
11. The gawk Programming Language
Conceptual Overview
Command-Line Syntax
Patterns and Procedures
Built-in Variables
Variable and Array Assignment
User-Defined Functions
Gawk-specific Features
Implementation Limits
Group Listing of awk Functions and Commands
Alphabetical Summary of awk Functions and Commands
Source Code
12. Source Code Management: An Overview
Introduction and Terminology
Usage Models
Source Code Management Systems
Other Source Code Management Systems
13. The Concurrent Versions System (CVS)
Conceptual Overview
Command-Line Syntax and Options
Dot Files
Environment Variables
Keywords and Keyword Modes
CVSROOT Variables
Alphabetical Summary of Commands
14. The Subversion Version Control System
Conceptual Overview
Obtaining Subversion
Using Subversion: A Quick Tour
The Subversion Command Line Client: svn
Repository Administration: svnadmin
Examining the Repository: svnlook
Providifig Remote Access: svnserve
Other Subversion Components
