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当前位置: 首页出版图书生活时尚育儿/成长婴幼儿护理吴若石儿童足部健康法



定 价:¥35.00

作 者: 吴若石,郑若吉 著
出版社: 北方文艺出版社
标 签: 儿童疾病防治

ISBN: 9787531723035 出版时间: 2008-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 32开 页数: 221 字数:  


  "Provides young children with an excellent starting point for exploring their universe."child Education"Designed to capture the imagination."School LibrarianThe best-selling I wonder Why series answers demanding questions in an unrivalled child-friendly and informative style,guaranteed to arouse the readers'curiosity and develop reading skills.I Wondel Why My Tummy Rumbles is jam-packed with fascinating facts about the human body,form'Where do Icome from?'to 'What is sleepwalking?


  吴若石,(Josef Eugster,1940—),瑞士人。现居台东。1978年自学脚底按摩治愈关节炎后,1980年返国进修专业,而后返台开始热心服务大众,经媒体竞相报导其神奇疗效,且出版台湾第一本脚底病理按摩专书。因求助者络绎不绝,乃成立研究会及相关协会推广。迄今“吴若石脚底按摩”在华人地区名声斐然,国际间亦享有盛誉,受益者不计其数,遂被称为“脚底按摩之父”。2001年,他将23年研究足健法的心血结晶,在台湾出版《吴若石新足部健康法》,自传《知足常乐》同时面世。2005年,和郑英吉博士又以《吴若石简易足部健康法》、《吴若石儿童足部健康法》两本书持续为广大读者健康贡献心力。郑英吉,1944年生,台北市人。台北师专毕业。从事音乐教育25年。国际医科交流大学传统医学博士,研究脚底按摩近三十年,学习中医三十余年。1970年起吴若石经常北上与其共同研讨脚底按摩,乃将中医的阴阳五行、脏象学说及整体治疗概念分析介绍给他,两人渐渐发展出以整体治疗为本的新足部健康法。2001年共同出版经典著作《吴若石新足部健康法》。


Is mu bodu the some as everyone else's?
What is inside mu head?
What makes me feel things?
How manu bones do I have?
What is mu funnu bone?
What is mu skin for?
How thick is my skin?
What are goose bumps?
How do I move?
Why do strong people have big muscles?
What is cramp?
Why do I breathe?
What melees me hiccup?
What makes me sneeze?
What does mu heart do?
What is blood for?
How big is mu heart?
Why do I blink?
Why can't I see in the dark?
Why ore ears such a funny shape?
Why do I feel dizzy when I spin round?
What is mu nose for?
What is mu tonue for?
Why do teeth fall out?
Where does mu food o?
Whu do I go to the toilet?
Whu does my tummy rumble?
Why do I have to sleep?
What is sleepwalking?
What is a dream?
Why do I et ill sometimes?
What ore erms?
Why do I need injections?
Where do I come from?
What is mu tummy button?
