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当前位置: 首页出版图书工具书医学工具书精神分裂症及其他精神性疾病



定 价:¥80.00

作 者: 陈绍华
出版社: 上海中医药大学出版社
丛编项: 绍华谈医录
标 签: 精神病学


ISBN: 9787811211054 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 239 字数:  






Chapter 1 Introduction
Section 1 An Integrative Approach
Section 2 Serious Problems in the West
Section 3 A Brief Explanation
Section 4 Drugs of Western medicine commonly used to treat psychosis
Chapter 2 Essentials of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Section 1 History of traditional Chinese medicine
Section 2 Concepts of Yin and Yang
Section 3 Concept of Qi in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Section 4 Etiology of traditional Chinese medicine
Section 5 Seven Emotions in Causing Diseases
Section 6 Pathogenesis in traditional Chinese medicine
Chapter 3 Classification of Psychosis
Section 1 Schizophrenia (SZP) An Example of Mental Disease
Section 2 Delusional Disorder
Section 3 Anxiety
Section 4 Depression
Section 5 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Section 6 Similar concepts in traditional Chinese medicine
Chapter 4 Treatment of Psychosis with Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs
General Remarks
Section 1 Concept of psychosis in traditional Chinese medicine
Section 2 Mental derangement due to stagnation of phlegm
Section 3 Mental derangement due to accumulation of heat in the heart channel
Section 4 Mental derangement due to improper nourishment of the heart blood
Section 5 Mental derangement due to deficiency of both the spleen and the heart
Section 6 The type of mental derangement due to deficiency of kidney Qi
Section ? Mania due to phlegm-fire disturbing the upper part of the body
Section 8 Mania due to phlegm-fire in the intestines and stomach
Section 9 Mania due to Qi stagnation and blood stasis
Section 10 Mania due to terror
Chapter 5 From physiological system to central nerve system
Chapter 6 Thinking and mood disturbances
Section 1 Etiological analysis of Schizophrenia
Section 2 Explanation based on traditional Chinese medicine
Section 3 Explanation based on Western medicine
Chapter 7 Mystery of the Brain
Section 1 Hallucination, Delusion and Thinking
Section 2 Genes and hereditary psychosis
Section 3 Interaction between different factors
Section 4 Psychosis and Functions of the Brain
Section 5 Hypothesis and Facts
Section 6 Action and cooperation vs resistance and idea
Chapter 8 Inside the brain
Chapter 9 Acupuncture treatment of various psychosis
Chapter 10 Introduction to modern reseraches
Commonly Uesed Mediacal Torminology
Main References
Translator's note
