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当前位置: 首页出版图书暂缺分类文体学:中国与世界同步



定 价:¥46.90

作 者: 刘世生、吕中舌、封宗信
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
丛编项: 首届国际文体学学术研讨会暨第五届全国文体学研讨会文选
标 签: 写作学与修辞学


ISBN: 9787560078540 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 342 字数:  


  《文体学:中国与世界同步》为2006年“首届国际文体学学术研讨会暨第五届全国文体学研讨会“论文选集,共收入论文27篇,其中国外8篇.国内1 9篇.对国内外文体学的发展和现状进行了深入的分析和探讨,对文体学课程学习者、教师及研究者具有很高的参考价值。具体探讨问题包括●文体学作为学科在国内外的建设与发展●普通文体学/文学文体学/理论文体学●文体学各流派理论模式及方法论●文体学与相邻学科●文体学与文本阐释●语言各语体特征●文学各体裁风格●文体学与外语教学●文体学应用研究前景




Part I:Stylistics Abroad
Literary Stylistics and Systemic Functional Linguistics
A Voice ofHer Own:A Feminist Stylistic Analysis ofJane Eyre,
To the Lighthouse and Bridget Jones's DiaryRuth Page 23
The Limits of Blending:Extended Metaphor,Simile and Allegory
The Social Agency of Verbal Art:How Far Can a Systemic Approach
Usefully Go in Modelling the Context of Creation?——Abstract
Self at the Interface of Memory,Experience and Values:The
Lexicogrammar and Semantics of Memory in(Auto)biographical
Blending and Beyond:Form and Feeung in Poetic
The Shudder of the Dying Day in Every Blade of
Text-Worlds:111e Way We Think about the Way We
Part 11:Stylistics in China
1.Cognitive Stylistics
A Cognitive Revisit to The Inheritors
A Cognitive Approach to the Mind Style of Forrest Gump

Realization of Suhiectivity:An Analysis of the Referential Devices in
Narrative Discourse
A Distorted WOrld in a Distorted Mind-The Mind Style of Rosa in
Cynthia Ozick'S“TIle Shawl”
2.Functional Stylistics
Internal Contrast and Double Decoding:A Functional-Cognitive
Approach to Transitivity in“On the Road
Comparativity and Functional Inter。lingual Stylistics

Transitivity,Indirection,and Redemption in She:ila Watson’S The
Double Hook
3.Drama Stylistics
Politeness Strategies,Characterization Theory,and Drama Stylistics:
A Syntheric Case Study with Theoretical Modifications

Discourse Role Switching and Characterization in Drama
Fu Dongming & Han Zhongqian 213
The Stylistics of Drailla:The State of the Art
4.The Stylistics of Fiction and Poetry
Metalanguage in the Making of Fiction'·····_
Stylistic Analysis of a Love Story in Network Literature——The
Salty Coffee········
Two Different Views of London——A Comparative St5'listic Study of
“Composed upon Westminster Bridge”and“London

5.General Stylistics
PowerPoint:Tool,Discourse,Genre and Style
Online Self Introduction Languages on the Internet
Evaluation in Abstracts:A Contrastive Study of Student Writing and
Published Writing
Discourse Analysis of 2004 American Presidential Debates

6.Pedagogical Stylistics
An Integrated Stylistic Approach for English Majors

7.Views on Stylistics
0n the Orientation of Modem Stylistics:A Reply to Some
Remarks about St3,listics
