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Basic Buddhism(英文版)

Basic Buddhism(英文版)

定 价:¥56.00

作 者: 南怀瑾 著,J.C.Cleary 译
出版社: 东方出版社
标 签: 佛教


ISBN: 9787506033312 出版时间: 2008-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 383 字数:  


  《中国佛教发展史略述(英文版)》分为五大部分为CHATER 1:Buddism and the Culture of India,CHAPTER 2:Shakyamuni Buddha,the Founder of Buddhism,CHAPTER 3:The Transmission of Buddhism to China,CHAPTER 4:Buddhism in Other Countries,CHAPTER 5:Buddhism in the 20th Century.


暂缺《Basic Buddhism(英文版)》作者简介


CHAPTER 1.Buddhism and the Culture of India
The Development of Indian Culture
The Rise of Various Philosophical Trends
Chapter Summary
CHAPTER 2.Shakyamuni Buddha, the Founder of Buddhism
Shakyamuni' s Lineage
Leaving Home and Awakening to the
The Founding of the Teaching
Chapter Summary
CHAPTER 3:The Transmission of Buddhism to China
The First Period of the Transmission
The Heyday of Chinese Buddhism la
Chapter Summary 1E
CHAPTER 4:Buddhism in Other Countries
Buddhism in Asia
Buddhism in Europe and America
Chapter Summary
CHAPTER 5.Buddhism in the 20th Century
The Decline of Chinese Buddhism Since
the Qing Period
The Buddhist Revival of the Late Qing
and Early Republican Periods
APPENDIX:The Zen Monastic System and Chinese Society
The Different Societies of Eastern and
Western Civilization
The Early Buddhist Monastic System
The Origin of the Zen Monastic System
The Zen Monastic System: Its Regula-
tions and Guidelines
The Influence of the Zen Communities
The Zen Halls:Cultivation of Practice
The Legacy of the Zen Community Pure Rules
The Zen Community and Patriarchal Clan Society
The Zen Monastic System and Chinese Culture
The Zen Monastic System and the Secret Societies
Closing Comments
About the Author
