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作 者: 张可华,张占杰 主编
出版社: 哈尔滨工程大学出版社
标 签: 职称英语


ISBN: 9787811333985 出版时间: 2009-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 388 字数:  






第一章 职称英语“词汇选项”实训
1.1 词汇选项汇编
1.2 词典使用方法训练
1.3 职称英语常考同义词词对
第二章 阅读判断得分方法综述及实训
2.1 阅读判断的做题方法与技巧
2.2 阅读判断教材选编
第1篇 Study Helps Predict Bit Mediterranean Quake
第2篇 Image Martian Dust Particles
第3篇 Irish Dolphins May Have a Unique Dialeet
第4篇 Computer Mouse
第5篇 The Northern Lights
第6篇 Continuing Medical Education
第7篇 Red Meat Links tO Higher Risk of Breast Cancer
第8篇 Disease,Diagnosis,Treatment and Prevention
第9篇 First Self-contained Heart Implanted
第10篇 Bill Gates:Unleashing YOUr Creativity
第11篇 The First Settlement in North America
第12篇 The National Trust
第13篇 Lower Body Fat Means Better Performance
第14篇 “Own"Your Children's Education
第15篇 Smoking
第三章 概括大意与完成句子
3.1 概括大意与完成句子的做题方法与技巧
3.2 概括大意与完成句子教材选编
第1篇 Transport and Trade
第2篇 Museums in the Modern Worid
第3篇 Is There a Way to Keep the Britain's Economy Growing?
第4篇 Washoe Learned American Sign Language
第5篇 Maglev Trains
第6篇 More Rural Research Is Needed
第7篇 The Tiniest Electric Motor in the World
第8篇 Face Masks May Not Protect from Super-flu
第9篇 Aspirin—a New Miracle Drug
第10篇 The safeness of IUDs for HIV-positive Women
第11篇 Surgery Involving thej:b.art0§
第12篇 Ginseng Shows Benefit in Cancer Treatment
第13篇 Ward off Travel Bugs
第14篇 How tO Argue with Your Boss
第15篇 Earthquake
第四章 话题一致性原则——征服全短文的策略
4.1 补全短文的做题方法与技巧
4.2 补全短文教材选编
第1篇 Virtual Driver
第2篇 Sleeping Giant
第3篇 U.S., European Drug OfficialS Approve Inhaled Insulin
第4篇 The Fiist Four Mihutes
第5篇 Leukemla
第16篇 Musical Trainning Can Improve Communication Skills
第17篇 Uncooperative Patients Need Psychological Therapy
第18篇 Teamwork in Tourism
第19篇 “Happy Birthday to You”
第10篇 Financial Risks
第11篇 Mobile Phones
第12篇 The Worid's Longest Bridge
第13篇 PubliC Relations
第14篇 The Dollar in worid Markets
第15篇 Ants as a Barometer of Ecological Change
第五章 阅读理解技巧策略与实战
5.1 阅读理解的做题方法与技巧
5.2 庖丁解牛理文脉——阅读理解常用高频结构关系词语
5.3 解决句子内在逻辑关系的法器——英语中常见的介词
5.4 调读理解教材选编
第1篇 Eat Healthy
第2篇 Outside;the-classroom Learning Makes a Big Difference
第3篇 Mitosevic's Death
第4篇 Feast on Turkey and Good Wishes at Thanksgiving
第5篇 Life at Aichi University
第6篇 Tv Shows and Long Bus Trips
第7篇 Modern Sun Worshippers
第8篇 One-room Schools
第9篇 New York—the Melting Pot
第10篇 Smuggling
第11篇 The Barbie Dolls
第12篇 Orbital Space Plane
第13篇 Goal of American Education
第14篇 Taxi Riding
第15篇 Some Things We Know about Language
第16篇 The Only Way Is Up
第17篇 Income
第18篇 Importance of Services
第19篇 The National Park Service
第20篇 Find Yourself Packing It On? Blame Friends
第21篇 The Cherokee Nation
第22篇 A Ride in a Cable-car
第23篇 The Wasteland
第24篇 A Tale of Scottish Rural We
第25篇 Who Wants to Live Forever?
第26篇 New US Plan for Disease Pro!vention
第27篇 The Operation of International Airlines
第28篇 Road Trip Vacations
第29篇 The Best Way to Reduce Your Weight
第30篇 Finding Enlightenment in Scotland
第31篇 The Beginning of American Literature
第32篇 Older Volcanic Eruptions
第33篇 Declining Interest in Developing Foreign Language Skills
第34篇 Immigration and Problems
第35篇 US Marks 175 Locomotive Years
第1篇 Ford Abandons Electric Vehicles
第2篇 Electric Backpack
第3篇 Light Night,Dark Stars
第4篇 Motoring Technology
第5篇 Hair Deteetives
第6篇 Sugar Power for Cell Phones
第7篇 Young Female Chimps Outlearn Their Brothers
第8篇 The Net Cost of Making a Name for Yourself
第9篇 Florida Hit by Cold Air Mass
第10篇 Invisibility Ring
第11篇 Japanese Car Keeps Watch for Drunk Drivers
第12篇 Winged Robot Learns tO Fly
第13篇 Japanese Drilling into Core of Earth
第14篇 A Sunshade for the Planet
第15篇 Thirst for Oil
第16篇 Protonging Human Life
第17篇 Explorer of the Extreme Deep
第18篇 Plant Gas
第19篇 Powering a City?It's a Breeze
第20篇 Male and Female Pilots Cause Accidents Differently
第21篇 Food Fright
第22篇 Digital Reaim
第23篇 Hurricane Katrina
第24篇 Smart Window
第25篇 Don't Count on Dung
第26篇 Putting Plants to Work
第27篇 Listening Device Provides Landslide Early Warning
第28篇 “Don't Drink Alone''Gets New Meaning
第29篇 Air Pollution CloudMeasured on Both Sides of Pacific
第30篇 Too Little for Global Warming
第31篇 Renewable Energy Sources
第32篇 “Hidden”Species May Be Surprisingly Common
第33篇 US Scientists Confirm Water on Marsh"
第34篇 Black Holes Trigger Stars to Self-destruct
第35篇 Underground Coal Fires a Looming Catastrophe
第36篇 Mind-reading Machine
第37篇 Listening to Birdsong
第1篇 Bringing Nanotechnology to Health Care for the Poor
第2篇 Medieal Journals
第3篇 Need for Emphasis on Treatment
第4篇 Multivitamins Urged for All Pregnant Women
第5篇 Calling for Safe Celebrations This Fourth of July
第6篇 Pushbike Peril
第7篇 Attitudes to AIDS Now
第8篇 U.S.to Start $3.2 Billion Child Health Study in January
第9篇 Cigars Instead?
第10篇 Sleeplessness
第11篇 Common-cold Sense
第12篇 Drug Reactions—a Major Cause of Death
第13篇 Drearns
第14篇 Warnl People Likely to Keep Cold at Bay
第15篇 Earing Potatoes Gives Your Immune System a Boost
第16篇 Online Cancer Chat with a Safety Net"
第17篇 Adaptation of Living Things
第18篇 FDA:Human,Animal Waste Threatens Produce
第19篇 Early or Later Day Care
第20篇 After-birth Depression Blamed for Woman's Suicide
第21篇 Controlling the Growing TB Crisis in China
第22篇 Medicine Award Kicks off Nobel Prize Announcements
第23篇 Obesity:the Scourge of the Western World
第24篇 New Attempts to Eradicate AIDS Virus
第25篇 Diseases of Agricuhural Plants
第26篇 Obesity
第27篇 Silent and Deadly
第28篇 Fruit and Vegetable Juices as Beneficial tO Health as Fruits and Veggies
第29篇 In-line Skating and Injuries
第30篇 Dangerous Sunshine tO Children
第31篇 Hypertension Drugs Found to Cut Risk of Stroke
第32篇 Pregnancy Anomalies May Lower Breast Cancer Risk
第33篇 Kidney Disease and Hcart Diseflse Spur Each Other
第34篇 More about Alzheimer's Disease
第35篇 Education of Studems with Vision Impairments
第36篇 Water Pollution
第37篇 DNA Fingerprinting
第38篇 Malnutrition
第39篇 Drug Resistancel Fades Quickly in Key Aids Drug
第40篇 IQ-gene
第41篇 A Gay Biologist
第42篇 1 5 Million Americans Suffer from Social Anxiety Disorde
第43篇 Surprised by a Miracle
第六章 阅读理解跨类篇
第1篇 Single-parent Kids Do Best[卫一综]
第2篇 Driven to Distraction[综一理]
第3篇 Eiffel Is an Eyeful[综一理]
第4篇 Sleep Lets Brain File Memories[综一理]
第5篇 Spacing in Animals[综一卫]
第6篇 Clone Farm[综一理]
第7篇 Forecasting Methods[综一理]
第8篇 Pool Watch[综一卫]
第9篇 Snowflakes[理一综]
第10篇 Eat to Live[理一综]
第11篇 Sauna[理一综]
第12篇 Defending the Theory of Evolution Still Seems Needed[理一综]
第13篇 Thirsty in Karachi[理一卫]
第14篇 Can Buildings Be Designed to Resist Terrorist Attack?[理一综]
第15篇 Late-night Drinking[理一卫一综]
第16篇 SIeep[卫一综]
第17篇 Egypt Felled by Famine[卫理]
第七章 完形填空
第1篇 A Health Profile
第2篇 Making Yourself a Good Record
第3篇 Pretty Good
第4篇 Where Have AII Our Visitors Gone?
第5篇 A Country's Standard of Living
第6篇 Gun Rights in the US
第7篇 Water
第8篇 An Early Forrn of Jazz Music
第9篇 Freezing to Death for Beauty
第10篇 The Ideat HuSband
第11篇 New Ideas
第12篇 How a Terrible Battle helped to Change Europe
第13篇 Racial Prejudice
第14篇 TheGreatest Mystery of Whales
第15篇 Improve Computer-research Skills
第1篇 Captain Cook Arrow Legend一
第2篇 Avalanche and Its Safery
第3篇 One Good Reason tO Let Smallpox Live
第4篇 Animal's "Sixth Sense"
第5篇 Singing Alarms Could Save the Blind
第6篇 Car Thieves Could Be Stopped Remotely
第7篇 An Intelligent Car
第8篇 A Nological C10ck
第9篇 Wonder Webs
第10篇 Less Is More
第11篇 China to Help Europe Develop GPS Rival
第12篇 Taking fl Nap During the Day
第13篇 Cell Phone Lets Your Secret Out
第14篇 Sharks Perfotin a Service for Earth's Waters
第15篇 CraShed Cars to Text Message for Help
第1篇 Better Control of TB Seen If d Faster Cure Is Found
第2篇 Exercise Cutes Cancer Deaths in Men
第3篇 Diet,Alcohol Linked to Nearly One Third of Cancers
第4篇 Men Too May Suffer from Domestic Violence
第5篇 Once-daily Pill Could Simplify HIV Treatment
第6篇 Happy Marriage,Happy HeartSk
第7篇 Charter SehoolS
第8篇 Many Women Who Beat Cancer Don't Change Habits
第9篇 Hospital Mistreatment
第10篇 Migrant Workers
第11篇 Middle Age:A Low Point for Most
第12篇 Scientists Develop Ways of Detecting Heart Attack
第13篇 Homosexuals
第14篇 Is Your Chlid's Stomach Pain An in His Head?
