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Java Programming(英文版)

Java Programming(英文版)

定 价:¥35.00

作 者: (新加坡)潘祥春 编著
出版社: 清华大学出版社
丛编项: 现代计算机教育系列教材
标 签: J2EE


ISBN: 9787302207221 出版时间: 2010-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 291 字数:  


  本书使用Java语言讲解面向对象的程序开发方法。全书内容共15章,内容包括: Java编程环境;Java组成;表达式、语句和运算符;程序流程控制机制;数组;方法;类和对象;Java应用程序界面(API) ;输入和输出;文件控制;单类继承;封装;多态性;抽象;排序、搜索和递归。本书内容深入浅出,循序渐进,对编程过程的每一步均给出详细的指导,每个范例均提供完整的源代码,非常适合于没有编程知识的初学者学习Java语言编程方法。本书可作为高等院校相关专业本科生Java语言程序设计课程教材,也可作为软件开发设计人员学习Java面向对象编程方法的自学参考书。


  Dr. Danny Poo graduated with a BSc (Hons), MSc and PhDin Computer Science from the University of Manchester Institute ofScience and Technology (UMIST), England. He is currently atenured Associate Professor in Me Department of Information Sys-tems, National University of Singapore. He has taught courses inSystems Analysis and Design, Enterprise Systems Development,Object-Oriented Software Engineering, and Information TechnologyProject Management. He is a Steering Committee Member of the Asia-Pacific Soft-ware Engineering Conference and founder and director of CicadaCube Pte Ltd, an NUS spin-off company specializing in Enterprise-level Search and RetrievalSolutions. A well-known speaker in seminars, he has conducted numerous in-house trainingand consultancy for organizations both locally and regionally. Dr. Poo is the author of 5 books: " Object-Oriented Programming andJava", 2nd edition, Springer-Verlag, 2007; "Developing Systems Using J2EE ",PrenticeHall, 2004, "Learn To Program Java", 4th edition, Cengage Learning, 2009 ;"Learn To Program Java User Interface", Thomson Learning, 2006 ; and "Learn ToProgram Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0", 3rd edition, Cengage Learning, 2009.


CHAPTER 1 The Java Programming Environment
 1.1 History of Java2
 1.2 Preparing to Write Java Programs2
 1.3 A Simple Java Program3
 1.4 How to Run a Java Program?4
 1.5 Commonly Encountered Problems5
 Workshop 1.1: Preparing the Environment for Java Programming5
 Workshop 1.2: How to Run a Java Program?10
 Workshop 1.3: How to Compile and Run a Java Program in DOS Prompt?12
CHAPTER 2 The Java Language Components
 2.1 Print2Numbers Java Program17
 2.2 The Java Vocabulary and Character Sets19
 2.3 Primitive Data Types19
  2.3.1 Boolean20
  2.3.2 Characters20
  2.3.3 Integers21
  2.3.4 Floating Point22
  2.3.5 Object References22
  2.3.6 String22
 2.4 Identifiers22
 2.5 Reserved Words23
 2.6 Comments24
 2.7 Basic Program Structure25
 Workshop 2.1: Understanding the Sequence of Program Execution26
CHAPTER 3 Expressions, Statements and Operators
 3.1 Expression Statements31
  3.1.1 Types of Expressions31
  3.1.2 Assignment Expression Statements31
  3.1.3 Prefix or Postfix Forms of "++" and "--" Statements32
  3.1.4 Method Call Statements32
  3.1.5 Object Creation Statements32
 3.2 Declaration Statements33
 3.3 Operators33
  3.3.1 Arithmetic Operators34
  3.3.2 Auto-Increment and Auto-Decrement Operators35
  3.3.3 Logical Operators35
  3.3.4 Relational Operators37
  3.3.5 Bitwise Operators39
  3.3.6 The Conditional Operator "?:" 40
  3.3.7 Assignment Operators41
  3.3.8 "+" Operator43
  3.3.9 "." Operator44
  3.3.10 Precedence and Associativity44
 Workshop 3.1: Entering Data for Program Execution47
CHAPTER 4 Program Flow Controls
 4.1 Sequence56
 4.2 Selection57
  4.2.1 Block57
  4.2.2 Types of Selection Statements59
 4.3 Iteration64
  4.3.1 The while Statement64
  4.3.2 The do-while Statement66
  4.3.3 The for Statement67
  4.3.4 The Enhanced‘for’ Statement70
 4.4 Labels70
 4.5 The break Statement71
 4.6 The continue Statement71
CHAPTER 5 Arrays
 5.1 Array75
  5.1.1 Declaring and Creating an Array75
  5.1.2 Initializing an Array77
  5.1.3 Using Arrays77
 5.2 Two-dimensional Arrays79
  5.2.1 One-dimensional Array Approach79
  5.2.2 Two-dimensional Array Approach80
  5.2.3 Populating Two-dimensional Arrays82
 5.3 Applying the Enhanced‘for’ Statement in Arrays83
 5.4 An Application: Printing Numbers Divisible by 384
  5.4.1 Using Label and break Statement85
  5.4.2 Using continue Statement88
 Workshop 5.1: Copying Arrays90
CHAPTER 6 Methods
 6.1 Defining a Problem98
 6.2 A Problem Solving Approach99
 6.3 Improving the Problem-Solving Approach103
  6.3.1 Advantage of Using Methods107
  6.3.2 Walking Through readInputValues() Method107
  6.3.3 Walking Through convertMarksToGrades() Method107
  6.3.4 Walking Through printDetails() Method107
 6.4 Block Structure and Scope108
  6.4.1 Local Variables108
  6.4.2 Global Variables109
  6.4.3 Determining Scope of Variables across Methods110
  6.4.4 Distinguishing Local Variables from Global Variables111
  6.4.5 Scope of Identifier Declaration112
 6.5 Parameters113
  6.5.1 Actual and Formal Parameters113
  6.5.2 Value Parameters117
 6.6 Methods that Return Values119
  6.6.1 Returning Values119
  6.6.2 The return Statement121
 Workshop 6.1: Using Methods121
CHAPTER 7 Class and Objects
CHAPTER 8 The Java Application Programming Interface (API)
CHAPTER 9 Inputs and Outputs
CHAPTER 10 File Handling
CHAPTER 11 Inheritance
CHAPTER 12 Encapsulation
CHAPTER 13 Polymorphism
CHAPTER 14 Interface
CHAPTER 15 Sorting, Searching, and Recursion
