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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语生活英语环球天下英语:浸入式英语会话



定 价:¥35.00

作 者: 舒静 主编
出版社: 南京大学出版社
标 签: 生活口语


ISBN: 9787305086953 出版时间: 2011-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 255 字数:  






Week 1
Day l Do You Like Sports?你喜欢运动吗?
Day 2 Picking Strawberries摘草莓
Day 3 The Dragon Boat Race龙舟赛
Day 4 Skating溜冰
Day 5 Building a Snowman堆雪人
Week 2
Day l At the Cinema在电影院
Day 2 At the Zoo在动物园
Day 3 At the Park在公园
Day 4 At the Swimming Pool在游泳池
Day 5 In the Internet Cafe在网吧
Week 3
Day l At the Coffeehouse在咖啡屋
Day 2 At the Western Cafeteria在自助西餐厅
Day 3 At a Fast Food Shop在快餐店
Day 4 Eating out外出就餐
Day 5 At a Karaoke Bar在卡拉OK厅
Week 4
Day l In the Kitchen在厨房
Day2 At the Market Place在集市
Day 3 At a Fruit Stall在水果摊
Day 4 At the Supermarket在超市
Day 5 Shopping in the Department Store商场采购
Week 5
Day l At the Hair Salon在美发店
Day 2 At the Post Office在邮局
Day 3 At the Bank在银行
Day 4 At the Hotel在酒店
Day 5 In the Countryside在乡间
Week 6
Day l In the Metro在地铁上
Day 2 At the Railway Station在火车站
Day 3 Picking up a Friend from the Railway Station去火车站接朋友
Day 4 At the Dentist's看牙医
Day 5 Visiting a Patient in the Hospital探病
Week 7
Day l The School's Opening Ceremony开学典礼
Day 2 In the Classroom在教室
Day 3 In the Library在图书馆
Day 4 Making a Presentation做展示
Day 5 The Graduation Ceremony毕业典礼
Week 8
Day l Reading Aloud in the Morning晨读
Day 2 My Favorite Teacher我最喜欢的老师
Day 3 My Father Smokes父亲吸烟
Day 4 Watching TV看电视
Day 5 Healthy Food and Junk Food健康食品与垃圾食品
