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定 价:¥38.00

作 者: (英)索莫斯 著
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
丛编项: 国外翻译研究丛书
标 签: 翻译 外语 英语专项训练


ISBN: 9787544627511 出版时间: 2012-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 32开 页数: 349 字数:  






List of figures List of tables List of contributo CHAPTER 1 Introduction Harold Some CHAPTER 2 The tralator's workstation Harold Some CHAPTER 3 Tralation memory systems Harold Some CHAPTER 4 Terminology tools for tralato Lynne Bowker CHAPTER 5 Localisation and tralation Bert Esselink CHAPTER 6 Tralation technologies and minority languages Harold Some CHAPTER 7 Corpora and the tralator Sara Laviosa CHAPTER 8 Why tralation is difficult for compute DouR Arnold CHAPTER 9 The relevance of linguistics for machine tralation Paul Bennett CHAPTER 10 Commercial systems: The state of the art John Hutchi CHAPTER 11 Iide commercial machine tralation Scott Bennett and Laurie Gerber CHAPTER 12 Going live on the intemet Jin Yang and Elke Lange CHAPTER 13 How to evaluate machine tralation John S. White CHAPTER 14 Controlled language for authoring and tralation Eric Nyberg, Teruko Mitamura and Willem-Olaf Huijsen CHAPTER 15 Sublanguage Harold Sorne CHAPTER 16 Post-editing Jeffrey Allen CHAPTER 17 Machine tralation in the classroom Harold Some Index
