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作 者: (英)舍夫纳,阿达巴 著
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
丛编项: 国外翻译研究丛书
标 签: 翻译


ISBN: 9787544627634 出版时间: 2012-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大32开 页数: 244 字数:  






Christina Schaffner and Beverly Adab Developing Tralation Competence: IntroductionPart Ⅰ: Defining Tralation CompetenceAlbrecht Neubert Competence in Language, in Languages, and in TralationMarisa Presas Bilingual Competence and Tralation CompetenceJean-Pierre Mailhac Levels of Speech and Grammar when Tralating between English and FrenchJanet Fraser The Broader View: How Freelance Tralato Define Tralation Competence Gunilla Anderman and Margaret Roge Tralator Training between Academia and Profession: A European Pepective Part Ⅱ: Building Tralation Competence Andrew Chesterman Teaching Strategies for Emancipatory Tralation Jean Vienne Which Competences Should We Teach to Future Tralato, and How? Agnes Elthes Reflectio on Teaching Tralation from French into Hungarian at the Technical Univeity of Budapest: Towards a Function-Dependent Coue Typology Olivia Fox The Use of Tralation Diaries in a Process-Oriented Tralation Teaching Methodology Catherine Way Structuring Specialised Tralation Coues: A Hit and Miss Affair? Christina Schaffner Running before Walking? Designing a Tralation Programme at Undergraduate LevelDorothy Kelly Text Selection for Developing Tralator Competence: Why Texts from the Tourist Sector Cotitute Suitable MaterialRonald J.Sire A Training Strategy for Tralation StudiesPart Ill: Assessing Tralation CompetenceAllison Beeby Evaluating the Development of Tralation CompetenceMariana Orozco Building a Measuring Itrument for the Acquisition of Tralation Competence in Trainee TralatoBeverly Adab Evaluating Tralation CompetenceGerard McAlester The Evaluation of Tralation into a Foreign LanguageIndex
