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定 价:¥25.00

作 者: 王守仁 著
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787544607551 出版时间: 2009-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 186 字数:  






Unit 1 Education
Text A: Education Does Count
Active Words: have / send / guide / attend
Grammar Tips: Noun
Text B: Socrates
Comprehensive Exercises
Practical Writing: Introducing Yourself
Unit 2 Friendship
Text A: My Friend, the Telephone Operator
Active Words: hurt / mean / miss / plan
Grammar Tips: Pronoun
Text B: The Road Is Never Too Long
Comprehensive Exercises
Practical Writing: Personal Letters
Unit 3 Gifts
Text A: The Rules for Gift Giving
Active Words: give / last / show / add
Grammar Tips: Numeral
Text B: A Birthday Present
Comprehensive Exercises
Practical Writing: Gift Note
Unit 4 Movies
Text A: An Empire Founded on a Mouse
Active Words: catch / keep / make / talk
Grammar Tips: Adjective & Adverb
Text B: Superman to the End
Comprehensive Exercises
Practical Writing: Movie Posters
Unit 5 Our Earth
Text A: The Earth
Active Words: mind / move / lie / use
Grammar Tips: Preposition
Text B: What Can I Do?
Comprehensive Exercises
Practical Writing: Slogan
Unit 6 Part-time Jobs
Text A: Looking for a Part-time Job
Active Words: need / get / free / look
Grammar Tips: The Present Indefinite Tense
Text B: Summer Jobs
Comprehensive Exercises
Practical Writing: E-mail
Unit 7 Health
Text A: The Truth about Fitness Myths
Active Words: fit / live / lift / build / gain
Grammar Tips: The Past Indefinite Tense
Text B: Fitness Walking
Comprehensive Exercises
Practical Writing: Plan
Unit 8 Famous People
Text A: Sparky
Active Words: fail / mange / lose / turn
Grammar Tips: The Present Continuous Tense & Past
Continuous Tense
Text B: Anne
Comprehensive Exercises
Practical Writing: Diary Entries
Unit 9 Festivals
Text A: Christmas at Grandmas
Active Words: run / feel / set / come / see
Grammar Tips: The Present Perfect Tense & Past Perfect Tense
Text B: New Years Day in America
Comprehensive Exercises
Practical Writing: Greetings on a Card
Unit 10 Animal Stories
Text A: A Feathered Friend
Active Words: tell / go / learn / let / carry
Grammar Tips: Different Ways of Expressing Future Time
Text B: Seeing Eye Dogs
Comprehensive Exercises
Practical Writing: Sentence Making with Idioms
