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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语商务英语海事基础英语综合教程2



定 价:¥30.00

作 者: 赵志刚 主编
出版社: 对外经济贸易大学出版社
标 签: 其它行业外语 外语 行业英语


ISBN: 9787566309761 出版时间: 2014-03-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  






Unit 1 Ocean in Our Eyes
TextA Oceans and Continents
TextB Coastal Climates
TextC The Battle at Hampton Roads between the Virginia and the Monitor
Unit 2 Ocean in Our Society
TextA Ocean and Economy—Chinese Marine Economy
TextB Ocean and History—The Age of Discovery
TextC Eleanor Creesy: Navigator of One ofthe Fastest Sailing Ships
Unit 3 International Maritime Organization (IMO)
TextA Introduction to IMO
TextB History of IMO
TextC The 60th Anniversary of the Adoption of the IMO Convention
Unit 4 International Maritime Conventions
TextA Introduction to STCW
TextB Introduction to SOLAS Unit 1 Ocean in Our Eyes TextA Oceans and Continents TextB Coastal Climates TextC The Battle at Hampton Roads between the Virginia and the Monitor Unit 2 Ocean in Our Society TextA Ocean and Economy—Chinese Marine Economy TextB Ocean and History—The Age of Discovery TextC Eleanor Creesy: Navigator of One ofthe Fastest Sailing Ships Unit 3 International Maritime Organization (IMO) TextA Introduction to IMO TextB History of IMO TextC The 60th Anniversary of the Adoption of the IMO Convention Unit 4 International Maritime Conventions TextA Introduction to STCW TextB Introduction to SOLAS TextC Introduction to MARPOL Unit 5 Careers at Sea TextA "Go to Sea!" TextB A Sea of Opportunities TextC Man on the Go Unit 6 Ship Crew TextA The Organization of a Ship's Crew TextB Seafarers' Professions and Ranks TextC Seamen's Certificates Unit 7 Types of Merchant Ships TextA Types of Merchant Ships TextB Ship Documents and Classification TextC Oasis of the Seas—The Floating City Unit 8 Ship Structure and Equipment TextA Ship Structure TextB Ship Systems and Equipment TextC Ship Repair and Maintenance
