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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术航空、航天航空、航天医学口腔生物学基础(英文版)



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作 者: 陈万涛 主编
出版社: 科学出版社
标 签: 口腔科学 其他临床医学 医学


ISBN: 9787030403704 出版时间: 2014-08-01 包装:
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PREFACE CHAPTER I MOLECULAR REGULATION OF TOOTH DEVELOPMENT AND DENTAL STEM CELLS PART I TOOTH DEVELOPMENT PART II MOLECULAR REGULATION OF TOOTH DEVELOPMENT 2.1 Initiation of the Tooth 2.2 Bud-to-cap Transition 2.3 Condense of Mesenchyme 2.4 Enamel Knot And Tooth Type Determination 2.5 The Homeobox Code 2.6 Hard Tissue Formation PART III DENTAL STEM CELLS 3.1 Different Populations of Dental Stem Cells with Diverse Potential 3.2 Tooth Tissue Regeneration REFERENCES CHAPTER II BIOLOGICAL BASIS IN THE DEVELOPMENT AND REMODELING OF JAWS INTRODUCTION PART I CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF JAWS 1.1 Inorganic Components 1.2 Organic Components PART II BIOLOGICAL BASIS ASSOCIATED WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF JAW 2.1 Bone Development 2.2 Processes of Bone Development PART III BIOLOGICAL BASIS ASSOCIATED WITH THE REMODELING OF JAWS 3.1 Features of Bone Remodeling 3.2 Cytological Basis of Bone Remodeling REFERENCES CHAPTER m THE IDENTIFICATION OF GENES RELATED TO ORAL HEREDITARY DISEASE PART I FOREWORD 1.I The Concept of Medical Genetics 1.2 The Characteristics of Oral And Maxillofacial Genetic Diseases PART II THE CLASSIFICATION OF GENETIC DISEASES 2.1 Single-gent Disease 2.2 Mitochondrial Inherited Disease 2.3 Chromosomal Disease 2.1 Polygenic Disease PART III CONFIRMATION OF PATHOGENIC GENES IN MONO-GENE DISEASES 3.1 Family Pedigree Analysis in Mono-gene Diseases 3.2 Disease Gene Mapping 3.3 Genetic Polymorphisnl And Mutation PART IV ORAL GENETIC DISEASES AND CONGENITAL DISORDERS 4.I Genetic Diseases in Denial Hard Tissues 4.2 Genetic Diseases in Periodontal Tissues 4.3 Genetic Diseases in Oral Bone Tissues 4.1 Congenital Facial Cleft REFERENCES CHAPTER IV ORAL ECOSYSTEM AND TIlE INFLUENTIAL FACTORS PART I ECOSYSTEM AND ECOLOGY 1.1 Oral Micro-ecosystem 1.2 The Influential Factors of Oral Micro-ecosystem PART II DENTAL PLAQUE BIOFILM 2.1 The Formation of Dental Plaque Biofihn 2.2 The Classifcation of Plaque Biofihn 2.?, The Components of Plaque Biofilm PART 111 BIOFILM DISEASE IN ORAL CAVITY 3.1 The Related Microflora of Dental Caries 3.2 The Related Microflora of Periodontal Diseases 3.3 The Progress in Oral Micro-ecosysteln Research REFERENCES CHAPTER V TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION OF ORAL TISSUE ENGINEERING PART I THE CONCEPT OF ORAL TISSUE ENGINEERING I. 1 Biomaterials 1.2 Seed Ceils 1.3 Growth Factors PART II APPLICATION OF TISSUE ENGINEERED SKIN AND MUCOSA 2. l Tissue Engineered Skin 2.2 Tissue Engineered Mucosa PART III APPLICATION OF TISSUE ENGINEERED BONE 3.1 Cell Sources for Bone Regeneration 3.2 Growth/transcription Factors for Bone Regeneration 3.3 Biomaterials for Bone Regeneration 3.4 Pre-clmical Animal Model Research for Bone Regeneration 3.5 Clinical Translational Researches for Bone Regeneration PART IV FUTURE PERSPECTIVES 4.1 Strategies for Neovascularization 4.2 Strategies for Osseointegration 4.3 Strategies for Tissue Engineered Tooth REFERENCES CHAPTER VI CHARACTERISTICS AND APPLICATION OF NEW DENTAL MATERI- ALS PART I NEW DENTAL FILLING MATERIAL AND THEIR CHARACTERISTICS 1 1 Dental Filling Materials 12 Composition And Properties of Dental Filling Materials PART lI CHARACTERISTICS AND APPLICATION OF BIOLOGICAL CERAMIC 2.1 Species of Biological Ceramic 2.2 Structure And Properties of Biological Ceramics PART llI EVALUATION OF BIOCOMPATIBILITY AND THEIR CHARACTERISTICS OF NANO-DENTAL MATERIALS 3.1 Conception of Nano-dental Materials 3.2 Composition And Properties of Nano-dental Materials 3.3 Species of Nano-dental Materials 3.1. Safety Evaluation of Nano-dental Materials PART IV NANOMETER TECHNOLOGIES OF METAL IMPLANT MATERIALS 4 1 Species of Nanometer Technologies of Metal Implant Material 4.2 Characteristics of Nanometer Technologies of Metal hnplant Material REFERENCES CHAPTER VII THE GENETIC AND EPIGENETIC ALTERATIONS IN ORAL SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA INTRODUCTION PART I GENETIC ALTERATIONS IN ORAL SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA 1.1 Chromosome Abnormalities And Microsatellite Instability 1.2 Inherited Genetic Gactors 1.3 Abnormal Gene And Protein Expression 1.4 Somatic Mutations in OSCC PART II EPIGENETIC ALTERATIONS IN OSCC 2.1 DNA Methylation 2.2 Histone Modifications REFERENCES CHAPTER vm THE BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND SIGNAL PATHWAYS IN ORAL CANCER PART I CELL PROLIFERATION AND APOPTOSIS 1.1 Preface 108 1.2 Signal Transduction of Cell Proliferation And Apoptosis 1.3 Regulation of Cancer Cell Proliferation And Apoptosis 1.4 Apoptosis Targeted Therapy in Oral Cancer PART II CELL DIFFERENTIATION AND DEDIFFERENTIATION 2.1 Concepts of Cell Differentiation And Dedifferentiation 2.2 Regulation Mechanisms of Cell Differentiation And Dcdifferentiation 2.3 Signal Transduction of Cell Differentiation And Dedifferentiation And Their Role in Tumor Development 2.4 Cell Differentiation Targeted Therapy in Oral Cancer PART III CELL CYCLE AND CELL CYCLE CHECKPOINT 3.1 Phases of Cell CycleAnd Their Characteristics 3.2 Role of Cell Cycle Checkpoint in Cell Cycle Regulation 3.3 Role of Dysregulation of Cell Cycle Checkpoint in Oral Cancer Development 3.4 Cell Cycle Checkpoint Targeted Therapy in Oral Cancer PART 1V CELL MOTILITY AND METASTASES 4.1 Molecular Basis of Cell Motility And Metastases 4,.2 Organ-specific Metastasis of Oral Cancer Cells 4.3 Signal Pathways Related to the Metastasis in Oral Cancer 4.4, Oral Cancer Metastasis-treatment Targeted to Related Signal Pathway REFERENCES CHAPTER IX ORAL MUCOSAL STEM CELLAND ORAL CANCER STEM CELL PART I STEM CELLS IN ORAL MUCOSA 1.1 Definations 1.2 Isolation of Oral Mucosa Stem Cells 1.3 Identification of Oral Mucosa Stem Cell Property PART II STEM CELL IN ORAL CANCER 2.1 Theory of Oral Cancer Stem Cell 2.2 Isolation of Oral Cancer Stem Cell 2.3 Identification of Oral Cancer Stem Cells 2.4 Properties of Oral Cancer Stem Ceils 2.5 The Application Prospect of Oral Cancer Stem Cells REFERENCES CHAPTER X THE CARCINOGENESIS AND MULTISTEP CARCINOGENESIS OF ORAL CANCER PART I HUMAN IMMORTALIZED ORAL MUCOSAL EPITHELIAL CELLS 168 1.1 introduction 168 1.2 Applications of hnmortalized Oral Epithelial Cells 1.3 Establishment of hnmortalized Oral Epithelium Cell Lines 1.1 The Mechanisms of Immortalization 1.5 Protocol for Establishing Immortalization of Human Oral Epithelial Cells with HPV16 E6And E7 1.6 Identification of Immortalized Oral Mucosal Epithelial Cell Line 1.7 Inhibition of HPV16 Transformation of Oral Epithelial Cells by Hairpin Ri- bozyme PART II MALIGNANT TRANSFORMATION OF IMMORTALIZED ORAL MUCOSAL EPITHELIAL CELL LINES 2.1 Identification of in Vitro Cellular Carcinogenesis Model 2.2 Factors for Cancerous Transformation in the Environment 2.3 Relationship Between Benzo(a)pyrene And Oral Cancer 2.4 Establislnnent of Oral Cancer Cell Line 2.5 The Properties of Malignant Transformation of Immortalized Cells REFERENCES CHAPTER XI THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN IMMUNE RESPONSE AND ORAL CANCER PART I IMMUNOLOGY IN ORAL CANCER 1.1 The Dual Anti- And Pro-effects of hnmune System 1.2 Immunologic Sculpting During Tumor Development PART 11 CAMOUFLAGE OF THE TUMOR CELLS AND ROLES OF ADAPTIVE AND IN- NATE IMMUNE CELLS IN TUMOR EVASION 2.1 Loss of MHC Class I 2.2 Sabotage of Anti-rumor Imnunity by Tumor-mediated hnmune Suppression in HN- SCC 2.3 Head And Neck Mucosa May Be a Tolerant Environment 2.4, Impact of Human Papillomavirus on the hnrnune System 2.5 Challenges And Prospects PART III IMMUNOTHERAPY FOR HEAD AND NECK CANCER AND ITS MECHA- NISM 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Immunotherapy of HNSCC 3.3 Challenges And Prospects PART IV THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN IMMUNE DEFICIENCY AND ORAL CAN- CER 4.1 Introduction: Immune Dysregulation And Oral Cancer 4.2 hnmune Mechanisms in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection 4.3 Head And Neck Cancer Induced by HIV Infection 4.4 Head And Neck Cancer Induced by Primary immunodeficiencies (PlDs) REFERENCES CHAPTER XII THE MOLECULAR DIAGNOSIS OF HEAD AND NECK SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA INTRODUCTION PART I MOLECULAR ALTERATION AND DETECTION STRATEGIES 1.1 Epigenetic Alteration 1.2 Genetic Alterations in lingCC PART II PROMISING POTENTIAL BIOMARKERS IN HNSCC 2.1 tluman Papillomavirus 2.2 Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 23 Cell Cycle Protein DI 2.1 Enhancer of Zeste llomolog 2 PART III THE PROBLEM AND PROSPECT OF HEAD AND NECK CANCER BIOMARK- ERS 3.1 I The Problem of Head And Neck Cancer Bionmrker 3.2 The Prospect of Head And Neck Cancer Biomarker REFERENCES CHAPTER XIII ROLE OF NON-CODING RNA IN ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL CAN- CER PART I INTRODUCTION OF NON-CODING RNA I 1 Definition And Classification 1.2 Biolo-ical Significance PART II ROLES OF MICRORNA IN ORAL CANCER DEVELOPMENT 2.1 The Relationship Between MicroRNA And Oral Precancerous Lesion 2.2 MicroRNA lixprcssion Profiles of Oral Cancer 2.2, Regulations of MicroRNA Networks REFERENCES CHAPTER XIV A PPLICATION OF GENETICALLY ENGINEERED MOUSE MODELS IN CRANIOFACIAL BIOLOGY RESEARCH PART I DEFINITIONS AND ROLES 1.1 Why the "Mouse" as a Research Model Organism? 1.2 "Common Language" Used in Mouse Model Research PART II PRACTICE AND APPLICATION 2.1 Generation of Transgenic Mice (Fig. 14-1) 2.2 Gent Manipulation by l Iomologous Recombination in ES Cells 2.3 Conditional Knockout Mouse Models 2.4 Where Can These Mouse Models Be Located 2.5 Summary And Conclusion 2.6 Acknowledgements REFERENCES
