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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术计算机/网络软件工程及软件方法学Unity虚拟现实项目(影印版 英文版)

Unity虚拟现实项目(影印版 英文版)

Unity虚拟现实项目(影印版 英文版)

定 价:¥65.00

作 者: [美] 乔纳森·林诺维斯 著
出版社: 东南大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787564170806 出版时间: 2017-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 259 字数:  


  虚拟现实是什么?戴上头置式显示器,你会看到立体化的3D场景,转动头部环顾周围,然后使用手持控制器或传感器四下走动,你可以感受全方位的沉浸式体验。除此之外,Unity还是一个功能强大的游戏引擎,可以用于构建VR应用,为你的游戏带来焕然一新的交互性。《Unity虚拟现实项目(影印版 英文版)》将教授使用Unity进行虚拟现实开发的方方面面。你将学会如何使用Unity开发特定设备(如OculusRift和GoogleCardboard)上的VR应用,如何同虚拟世界打交道。《Unity虚拟现实项目(影印版 英文版)》借助生动有趣的项目向你展示如何构建各种VR体验。除此之外,你将通过Unity编辑器和C#来深入学习Unity3D游戏引擎。在《Unity虚拟现实项目(影印版 英文版)》最后,你将有能力使用Unity设计出内容丰富的交互式虚拟现实体验。


暂缺《Unity虚拟现实项目(影印版 英文版)》作者简介


Chapter 1: Virtuall Eve th'm for Eve one
What is virtual reality to you?
Types of head-mounted displays
Desktop VR
Mobile VR
The difference between virtual reality and augmented reality
Applications versus games
What this book covers
Who are you?
Types of VR experiences
Technical skills that are important to VR
Chapter 2: Objects and Scale
Getting started with Unity
Starting a new Unity project
The Unity editor
The default world space
Creating a simple diorama
Adding a cube
Adding a plane
Adding a sphere and some material
Changing the scene view
Adding a photo
Coloring the ground plane
Measurement tools
Keeping a unit cube handy
Using a Grid Projector
Measuring the Ethan character
Importing from the Blender experiment
An introduction to Blender
A unit cube
A UV Texture image
Importing into Unity
A few observations
Chapter 3: VR Build and Run
VR device integration software
Unity's built-in VR support
The device-specific SDK
The OSVR project
3D worlds
Creating the MeMyselfEye prefab
Build for the Oculus Rift
Build for Google Cardboard
The Android setup
The iOS setup
Installing the Cardboard Unity package
Adding the camera
The build settings
The Play Mode
Building and running in Android
Building and running in iOS
The device-independent clicker
How virtual reality really works
Stereoscopic 3D viewing
Head tracking
Chapter 4: Gaze-based Control
Ethan, the walker
Artificially intelligent Ethan
The Navmesh bakery
A random walker in the town
Interlude - a quick introduction to Unity programming
The RandomPosition script
Zombie-ize Ethan!
Go where I'm looking
The LookMoveTo script
Adding a feedback cursor
If looks could kill
The KillTarget script
Adding particle effects
Cleaning up
Chapter 5: World Space UI
A reusable default canvas
The visor HUD
The reticle cursor
The windshield HUD
The game element UI
The info bubble
An in-game dashboard with input events
Creating a dashboard with buttons
Linking the water hose to the buttons
Activating buttons from the script
Look to highlight a button
Looking and then clicking to select
Looking and staring to select
A responsive object UI with head gestures
Using the head position
Using head gestures
Chapter 6: First-person Character
Understanding the Unity characters
Unity components
The Camera component
The Rigidbody component
The Character Controller component
Unity Standard Assets
Making a first person
Move in the direction you're looking
Keep your feet on the ground
Don't pass through solid objects
Don't fall off the edge of the world
Stepping over small objects and handling uneven terrain
Start and stop moving
Using head gestures to start/stop
User calibrations
A character's height
Real-life height of a player
Maintaining a sense of self
Head-body disconnect
Head and body...
...And feet
The body avatar
Virtual David le nose
Audio cues
Locomotion, teleportation, and sensors
Managing VR motion sickness
Chapter 7: Physics and the Environment
Unity physics
Bouncy balls
Trampoline and brick
A human trampoline
Like a brick
Like a character
Interlude - environment and things
Wispy Sky
The planet Earth
The corporate logo
An elevator
Chapter 8: Walk-throughs and Rendering
Building in Blender
Assemble the scene in Unity
The gallery room
The artwork rig
The exhibition plan
Adding photos to the gallery
An animated walk-through
Unity's animation system
Scripted animation
Optimizing for performance and comfort
Optimizing your implementation and content
Simplify your models
Using texture maps instead of complex meshes
Limiting the objects to be drawn
Lighting and shadow performance
Optimizing your scripts
Optimizing for the Unity rendering pipeline
Life's a batch
Multipass pixel filling
Other rendering tips
Optimizing for the target hardware and drivers
Unity Profiler
Chapter 9: Using All 360 Degrees
360-degree media
Crystal balls
Magic orbs
Equirectangular projections
Field of view- FOV
Capturing a 360-degree media
Chapter 10: Social VR Metaverse
Multiplayer networking
Networking services
The network architecture
Local versus server
The Unity networking system
Setting up a simple scene
Creating a scene environment
Creating an avatar head
Adding multiplayer networking
Network Manager and HUD
Network Identity and Transform
Running as a host
Adding spawn positions
Running two instances of the game
Associating avatar with the first-person character
Adding multiplayer virtual reality
The Oculus Rift players
The Google Cardboard players
Next steps
Building and sharing a custom VRChat room
Preparing and building the world
Host the world
Chapter 11: What's Next?
