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当前位置: 首页出版图书文学艺术文学诗歌词曲赋撷芳集:从李白到张爱玲(英文版)



定 价:¥98.00

作 者: 汪班
出版社: 外文出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787119116648 出版时间: 2018-11-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  A fine classical Chinese poem serves as a bridge for readers to wander into the mind and heart of the poet who inspires us to marvel at the beaury of a literary genre that blends so perfectly high music and lustrous pictures: the two ponents that make up the Chinese language.Forlorithe Raiis to introduce, translate and annotate some of the most memorable and hauntingly beautiful classical Chinese poems and literary works that transcend time and place ihow they portray love and life, with all the joys and lamentatioihumaexisrence.


  BeWang(汪班) is Senior Lecturer iLanguage and Humanities at the New York China Institute iAmerica, and Instructor of Chinese ar the United Nations. He also serves as Co-Chair of the N.Y. RenweSociety and Advisor and Chief Translator for the N.Y. Kunqu Society. BeWang has lectured oclassical Chinese literature and drama at Yale, Columbia, the Smithsonian, the National Gallery of Art, United Nations, LincolCenter and the MetropolitaMuseum of Art, among others. He taught Chinese and translatioat Columbia University and New York University betwee1969 and 1991. BeWang received the 1988 literature translatioprize for his translatioof Growing Up by Russell Baker, awarded by the Literary AssociatioofT aiwan, China. OSeptember 6, 2003, he was conferred upothe citatioof being 'aoutstanding citizen' by the City Council of New York. I2009, Laughter and Tears: Translatioof Selected Kunqu Dramas was published by ForeigLanguages Press.


Part 1

I.Li Bai李白

Visiting But Not Seeing the Daoist Master Oil Mountain


Calling from Chang-gan长干行

Friends Come for the Night友人会宿

Remembering East Hill忆东山

Farewell tO White Emperor Town at Dawn早发白帝城

On the Tower与夏十二登岳阳楼

Singing on the Ninth九日龙山歌

II.Du Mu杜牧

A Trip to the Mountain山行

At the Back Pond齐安郡后池 句

River Freezing汴河阻冻

III.Li Shangyin李商隐

Weeping Willow柳

Life in Composure端居

All Alone on River Meander in Late Autumn暮秋独游曲江

Part 2

I.Wei Zhuang韦庄


II.Li Yu李煜

Tune:Gazing at River South望江南

Tune:Joy ofUnion相见欢

Tune:BeautyNamed Yu虞美人

III.Liu Yong柳永

Tune:Lady Qi戚氏

Tune:Echoesfrom aDistantLand]k声甘州

IV.Jiang Jie蒋捷

Tune:BeautyNamedYu(Sound ofRain)虞美人(听雨)

Part 3

I.Gold VasePlum金瓶梅

A briefintroduction to Gold VasePlum

Selected passages and a poem from Gold Vase Plum

II.Bada Shanren八大山人

A brief introduction tO Literati Painting

3 poems on a painting of melons by Bada Shanren

III.The Story of the Stone红楼梦

Introductory Notes on The Story of the Stone

IV.Eileen Chang张爱玲

About Eileen Chang

Translation of Selected Prose by Eileen Chang
