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定 价:¥68.00

作 者: 王东升,尹玮,孙广峰,辛海燕,逄洋洋
出版社: 清华大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787302506683 出版时间: 2018-10-01 包装:
开本: 16 页数: 286 字数:  


  本套教材共四册,是面向高中英语水平以上的学生而编写的强化阅读教程。本套书的词汇量起点为1基础的3 000 个单词,通过计算机程序筛选,以英国国家语料库1常用词汇列表的前11部分为基准,每册书增加2 000 个新词,四册书的词汇覆盖量达到11 000。每册各包含十个单元,每单元由Focus on、Text A和Text B三部分组成。本书帮助学生掌握第3 000~5 000 的两千词汇量;Focus on板块主要聚焦构词法,加深学生对构词法规律的认知。




Unit 1 Movie ...........................................................................................1
Section I Focus on Strategies for Textbook Learning
—Introducing SQ3R .........................................................................2
Section II Text A: A er All the Crazy Oscar Drama Live Onstage,
One Idea Endures: the Power of Empathy......................................4
Section III Text B: From Fantasy to Reality
—Beauty and the Beast .................................................................. 18
Unit 2 Environment .............................................................................33
Section I Focus on Building Word Power .................................................... 34
Section II Text A: Modi and the Environment ............................................. 37
Section III Text B: Why Vegetarianism Is the Best Way to Help the
Environment ................................................................................... 48
Unit 3 Ocean ........................................................................................63
Section I Focus on Connecting the General to the Speci c in
Reading and Writing ...................................................................... 64
Section II Text A:  e Sea Is Su ering ........................................................... 66
Section III Text B: Why Our Brains Love the Ocean .................................... 79
Unit 4 Universe ....................................................................................91
Section I Focus on Topics and Topic Sentences .......................................... 92
Section II Text A: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?............ 94
Section III Text B: To the Moon and Beyond............................................... 107
Unit 5 Health .....................................................................................123
Section I Focus on Fact and Opinion ......................................................... 124
Section II Text A: Could Our Own Proteins Be Used to
Help Us Conquer Cancer? ........................................................... 126
Section III Text B: Drugs from the Sea ......................................................... 138
Unit 6 Nature .....................................................................................151
Section I Focus on Purpose and Tone ........................................................ 152
Section II Text A: Naturalists, Collectors, and Biodiversity ..................... 154
Section III Text B: No-till: How Farmers Are Saving the Soil
by Parking  eir Plows ................................................................ 167
Unit 7 Arti cial Intelligence..............................................................181
Section I Focus on Supporting Details ...................................................... 182
Section II Text A: A Robot in Every Home................................................. 184
Section III Text B: Hands-on Computing: How Multi-touch
Screens Could Change the Way We Interact with
Computers and Each Other ........................................................ 195
Unit 8 History and Religion ..............................................................207
Section I Focus on Inferences ..................................................................... 208
Section II Text A: Climate and Human History ......................................... 210
Section III Text B: Religion and Plato ........................................................... 223
Unit 9 Politics and Society .................................................................235
Section I Focus on Recognizing Patterns of Organization
in Paragraphs ................................................................................ 236
Section II Text A: Inaugural Address of Barack Obama ........................... 238
Section III Text B: Against Honeymoons ..................................................... 250
Unit 10 Science and Arts ...................................................................261
Section I Focus on Reading Longer Selections ......................................... 262
Section II Text A: “ e Light of Reason” or “the Light
of Ambiguity” ................................................................................ 264
Section III Text B:  e Power of Mozart....................................................... 275
