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作 者: 李天宇,范明,秦妹 等
出版社: 清华大学出版社
丛编项: 高职高专会计专业规划教材
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787302500353 出版时间: 2019-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 152 字数:  






Chapter One The Introduction ofAccounting
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The Users of Accounting Information
1.2.1 External Information Users
1.2.2 Internal Information Users
1.3 The Accounting Process
1.4 Basic Accounting Principles
1.4.1 Accrual Principle
1.4.2 Conservatism Principle
1.4.3 Consistency Principle
1.4.4 Cost Principle
1.4.5 Economic Entity Principle
1.4.6 Full Disclosure Principle
1.4.7 Going Concern Principle
1.4.8 Matching Principle
1.4.9 Materiality Principle
1.4.1 0Monetary Unit Principle
1.4.1 1Reliability Principle
1.4.1 2Revenue Recognition Principle
1.4.1 3Time Period Principle
1.5 Financial Statements
1.5.1 Balance Sheet
1.5.2 Income Statement
1.5.3 CashFlow Statement
1.5.4 The Statement of Changes in Equity
Words and Expressions
Supplementary Reading
Chapter Two Accounting Equation and Double EntryAccounting
2.1 lntmductinn
2.2 Accounting Equation
2.3 Double Entry Accounting
2.3.1 Debits and Credits in Common Accounting Transactions
2.3.2 Examples of Double Entry Accounting
Words and Expressions
Supplementary Reading
Chapter Three Accounting Cycle
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Identify Transactions or Events to Be Recorded
3.3 JournalizeTransactions and Events
3.4 Posting from Journal to Ledger
3.5 Prepare Unadjusted Trial Balance
3.6 Journalize andPost Adjusting Journal Entries
3.7 Prepare Adjusted Trial Balance
3.8 Prepare Financial Statements
3.9 Journalize and Post Closing Entries
3.1 0Prepare Post-closing Trial Balance
Words and Expressions
Supplementary Reading
Chapter Four Current Assets
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Cash and Cash Equivalent
4.3 Receivable
4.3.1 Accounts Receivable
4.3.2 Notes Receivable
4.4 Allowance Method
4.5 Inventory
4.5.1 Periodic Inventory System
4.5.2 Perpetual Inventory System
4.5.3 Inventory Measurement
Words and Expressions
Supplementary Reading
Chapter Five Non-current Assets
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Plant Assets
5.2.1 Measuring the Cost of Long-term Assets
5.2.2 Depreciation
5.2.3 Changing the Salvage Value of Depreciable Assets
5.3 Intangible Assets
5.3.1 Goodwill
5.3.2 Patent
5.3.3 Trademark and Trade Name
5.3.4 Franchise
5.3.5 Copyright
Words and Expressions
Supplementary Reading
Chapter Six Liabilities
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Current Liabilities
6.2.1 Accounts Payable
6.2.2 Notes Payable
6.2.3 Accrued Expenses
6.2.4 Unearned Revenue
6.2.5 The Current portion of Long-term Debt
6.2.6 Contingent Liabilities
6.3 Long-term Liabilities
6.3.1 Accrued Interest
6.3.2 Bonds Issued at Par with No Accrued Interest
6.3.3 Bonds Issued at Par with Accrued Interest
Words and Expressions
Supplementary Reading
Chapter Seven Owner's Equity
7.1 Introduetion
7.2 Stock
7.2.1 Common Stock
7.2.2 Preferred Stock
7.3 Shareholder's Equity
7.3.1 Paid-in Capital
7.3.2 Retained Earnings
7.4 Dividends
7.4.1 Cash Dividends
7.4.2 Stock Dividends
7.4.3 Stock Split
Words and Expressions
Supplementary Reading
Chapter Eight Financial Statements
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Balance Sheet
8.3 Income Statement
8.3.1 TheMultiple-step Income Statement
8.3.2 The Single-step Income Statement
8.4 Cash flow Statement
8.4.1 Definition of Cash
8.4.2 Classificatioxl of Cash Flows
8.4.3 Basic Approach to Preparation
Words and Expressions
Supplementary Reading
Chapter Nine Analysis of Financial Statements
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Four Widely Used Analytical Techniques
9.2.1 Dollar and Percentage Changes
9.2.2 Trend Percentages
9.2.3 Component Percentages
9.2.4 Ratios
9.3 Limitations of Financial Ratio Analysis
Words and Expressions
Supplementary Reading
