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当前位置: 首页出版图书文学艺术艺术摄影艺术背离策略与模糊的政治立场:卡里尔-丘吉尔70年代政治剧的戏剧符号学研究(英文版)



定 价:¥42.00

作 者: 闫红梅
出版社: 上海交通大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787313206237 出版时间: 2018-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 150 字数:  


  《背离策略与模糊的政治立场(卡里尔·丘吉尔70年代政治剧的戏剧符号学研究 英文版)》采用戏剧文本符号学的方法,探究卡里尔·丘吉尔创作于70年代的政治剧作,具体分析其所采用的背离策略,如对时间连续性原则的背离,对自然主义戏剧中革命人物建构的背离,对传统角色分配与表演方式的策略的背离以及对戏剧传统中人物与话语位置相一致的话语策略的背离,重新探讨了丘吉尔剧作文本所体现出来的政治立场。《背离策略与模糊的政治立场(卡里尔·丘吉尔70年代政治剧的戏剧符号学研究 英文版)》适合研究卡里尔·丘吉尔政治剧的学者,也适合其他感兴趣的读者。




Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 A Semiotic Approach to Drama
2.1 Redefinition of the Components of Drama
2.2 Relation and Deviation in Semiotic Approaches
2.3 Caryl Churchill's Deviation Strategies
Chapter 3 Deviation from the Principle of Succession: From a Reformist Perspective to a Marxist Socialist Position
3.1 Deviation Strategy in The Judge's Wife: A Middle-class Reformist View
3.2 Deviation Strategy in Traps: British Socialist Tradition
3.3 Deviation Strategy in The After Dinner Joke: a Marxist socialist concern
Chapter 4 Deviation Strategy in the Construction of Characters: Ambiguity Produced by the Presentation of the Revolutionaries
4.1 Vernon vs Michael: Revolutionaries or Criminals
4.2 Fanon vs Patient A: Subversive Power or Victim of Violence
4.3 The Unspeaking Guerrillas: Subversive Force or Criminal
Chapter 5 Multiple-Role Casting Scheme: Ambiguity in the Staging of Class Conflict
5.1 The Multiple-Role Casting Scheme: Breaking the Fourth Wall
5.2 Doubling of Characters with Similarities: Highlighting the Class Conflicts
5.3 Multiple-Role Casting: Blurring the Identities and Class Status
Chapter 6 Contradiction between Speech and Discursive Position: Ambiguous Political Stance Presented by Discourse Strategy
6.1 Discursive Strategy that Promotes Marxist Political Views
6.2 Discursive Strategy that Reveals Complicity with the Bourgeoisie
Chapter 7 Conclusion
Works Cited
