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当前位置: 首页出版图书文学艺术文学文学评论与研究莫里森小说中的创伤与身份建构



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作 者: 李美芹,姜志强
出版社: 浙江工商大学出版社
丛编项: 族裔文学与文化研究系列丛书
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787517825142 出版时间: 2019-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 253 字数:  






Chapter 1 Healing Trauma Through Music: Aesthetic Sensitivity and Cultural Conservation
1.1 Trauma and Black Musical Expression
1.2 Black Music as a Historic Process of Acculturation and Cultural Identification
1.3 Morrison's Music Aesthetics
Chapter 2 Morrison's Spirituals: Traumatic Loss of Identity
2.1 Cultural Trauma and the Loss of Cultural Identity
2.2 A Spiritual Home
Chapter 3 Morrison's Blues: Trauma and Traumatic Release o
3.1 Traumas and Turmoil in Blacks' Experiences
3.2 Release of Pains
Chapter 4 Morrison's Jazz: Constructing Identity Through Cultural Hybridity
4.1 Re-inheriting Black Cultural Heritage and Awakening Black Cultural Consciousness
4.2 Fusing African Culture and Western Culture: the Southern Past and the Northern Present
4.3 Creating Future Out of Shadows of History: New Cultural Identity and Traumatized Black Identity
4.4 Participating in Communications and Bonds: Sisterhood, Community and Fraternity
4.5 Reconstructing Identity Through Transcending Given Names
Chapter 5 Trauma and the Identity Construction inA Mercy
5.1 Morrison's Black Female Consciousness
5.2 Black Feminist Literary Criticism
5.3 Loss of Identity Under Intersecting Oppressions of Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Class
5.4 Quest for Identity
5.5 Reconstruction of Identity
5.6 A Voice for All the Marginal Group
Chapter 6 Childhood Trauma and Its Recovery in God Help the Child
6.1 Introduction to God Help the Child
6.2 Triple Roots of Childhood Trauma and the Symptoms
6.3 Narration: An Effective Way to Recover from Childhood Trauma
6.4 Trauma in Common
