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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术医学基础医学生理学(英文改编版,第2版)



定 价:¥298.00

作 者: [美] 埃里克·P.维德迈尔(Eric P. Widmaier)等,朱大年 著
出版社: 科学出版社
丛编项: 国内双语教与学法宝
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787030628831 出版时间: 2020-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 528 字数:  




  朱大年,男,1949年10月生,复旦大学上海医学院生理学教授、博士生导师、课程负责人。全国高等医药教材建设研究会理事,中国生理学会常务理事,上海市生理学会常务理事、副秘书长。“中国应用生理学杂志”、“生理通讯” 编委。


Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 The Scope of Human Physiology 1
1.2 Internal Environment and Homeostasis 1
1.3 Homeostatic Control Systems in the Body 4
1.4 Forms of Physiological Function Regulations in Human Body 7
Chapter 2 Basic Functions of Cells 12
2.1 Movement of Molecules across the Cell Membranes 12
2.2 Transmembrane Signal Transductions 30
2.3 Electrical Activities of the Cells 44
2.4 Muscular Contraction 61
Chapter 3 Blood Physiology 89
3.1 Plasma 89
3.2 The Blood Cells 91
3.3 Hemostasis: The Prevention of Blood Loss 97
3.4 Blood Groups and Blood Transfusion 104
Chapter 4 Cardiovascular Physiology 109
4.1 The Heart 110
4.2 The Vascular System 125
4.3 Regulation of Cardiovascular Activity 152
4.4 Circulation through the Heart, Lungs and Brain 162
Chapter 5 Respiratory Physiology 176
5.1 Pulmonary Ventilation and Lung Mechanics 178
5.2 Exchange of Gases in Alveoli and Tissues 191
5.3 Transport of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in the Blood 196
5.4 Control of Respiration 203
Chapter 6 Digestion and Absorption of Food 216
6.1 General Introduction 216
6.2 Digestions in the Mouth, Pharynx and Esophagus 221
6.3 Digestion in the Stomach 224
6.4 Digestion in the Small Intestine 233
6.5 Functions of the Large Intestine and Defecation 243
6.6 Absorption 245
Chapter 7 Energy Metabolism and Body Temperature 256
7.1 Energy Metabolism 256
7.2 Body Temperature and Its Control 264
Chapter 8 Urine Formation and Excretion 274
8.1 Functional Structure of the Kidneys 274
8.2 Urine Formation 277
8.3 Urine Concentration and Dilution 290
8.4 Regulations of Urine Formation 294
8.5 Renal Clearance 306
8.6 Micturition and Its Abnormalities 307
Chapter 9 Functions of the Nervous System 314
9.1 General Principles of Activities of the Nervous System 314
9.2 Sensory Functions of the Nervous System 337
9.3 Control of Body Movement 379
9.4 Autonomic Nervous System 394
9.5 Electrical Activity of the Brain, Wakefulness and Sleep 406
9.6 High Functions of the Brain 415
Chapter 10 Endocrine Physiology 430
10.1 General Characteristics of Hormones 432
10.2 Endocrine of the Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland 439
10.3 Endocrine of the Thyroid Gland 448
10.4 Endocrine of the Adrenal Gland 454
10.5 Endocrine of the Pancreatic Islet 461
10.6 Endocrine Control of the Homeostasis of Calcium and Phosphate 467
10.7 Other Endocrine Glands and Hormones 471
Chapter 11 Reproduction 479
11.1 Male Reproductive Physiology 479
11.2 Female Reproductive Physiology 484
11.3 Pregnancy 495
11.4 Parturition and Lactation 500
Index 507
