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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术工业技术一般工业技术东北亚能源互联网研究与展望(英文版)



定 价:¥140.00

作 者: 中国电力出版社 编
出版社: 中国电力出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787519847272 出版时间: 2020-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 70 字数:  


  Northeast Asia is the most developed region in Asia with large energy demand,and plays an important role in the global economic development.Northeast Asia has been facing severe challenges in ensuring energy security,protecting the environment,and coping with climate change,because of their high dependency on fossil fuels and imports of oil from outside the region,and inverse distribution between energy resources and demand.As an important part of Asian Energy Interconnection,the Northeast Asian Energy Interconnection is the core content and plays an important role in promoting the cooperation in Northeast Asia.It would strengthen the interconnection of the energy and power in the region,optimally allocate the energy resources and efficiently use the clean energy,deliver the sustainable development of the economy,society and environment in Northeast Asia,and promote the overall development ofAsian Energy Interconnection.This study is one of Asian Energy Interconnection research series.The content is divided into 6 chapters: In Chapter 1,the development status of the economy,society,energy and power in Northeast Asia is introduced,advantages and challenges of sustainable development and energy transition are analyzed,and development ideas ofNortheast Asian Energy Interconnection are proposed.In Chapter 2,in order to achieve the temperature control target of Paris Agreement,the development trend of energy and power transition in Northeast Asia is prospected,with corresponding proposed scenarios.In Chapter 3,the distribution of clean energy resources and layout of large power generation bases are studied.In Chapter 4,based on the analysis of the power balance,the overall pattern and interconnection schemes of Northeast Asian power grid interconnection are proposed.In Chapter 5,comprehensive benefits from Northeast Asian Energy Interconnection are evaluated.In Chapter 6,policy and mechanism are proposed to related stakeholders.


  全球能源互联网发展合作组织(简称合作组织),是由致力于推动世界能源可持续发展的相关企业、组织、机构和个人等自愿组成的国际组织。注册地设在北京。 合作组织的宗旨是推动构建全球能源互联网,以清洁和绿色方式满足全球电力需求,推动实现联合国“人人享有可持续能源”和应对气候变化目标,服务人类社会可持续发展。 合作组织将积极推广全球能源互联网理念,组织制定全球能源互联网发展规划,建立技术标准体系,开展联合技术创新、重大问题研究和国际交流合作,推动工程项目实施,提供咨询服务,引领全球能源互联网发展。


Study Region
1 New Development Opportunities
for Northeast Asia / 01
1.1 Economy and Society / 02
1.1.1 Macro Economy / 02
1.1.2 Humanity and Society / 03
1.1.3 Regional Cooperation / 05
1.1.4 Development Strategy / 07
1.2 Energy and Power / 08
1.2.1 Energy Development / 08
1.2.2 Power Development / 12
1.3 Sustainable Development Ideas / 16
1.3.1 Development Concept of Global Energy Interconnection / 16
1.3.2 Sustainable Development Promoted by Northeast Asian Energy
Interconnection / 17
2 Energy and Power Development
Trends and Outlooks / 19
2.1 Energy Demand / 20
2.1.1 Primary Energy / 20
2.1.2 Final Energy / 22
2.2 Power Demand / 25
2.3 Power Supply / 30
3 Development Layout of Clean
Energy Resources / 35
3.1 Distribution of Clean Energy Resources / 36
3.1.1 Hydro Energy / 36
3.1.2 Wind Energy / 36
3.1.3 Solar Energy / 37
3.2 Layout of Clean Energy Bases / 38
3.2.1 Hydropower Bases / 38
3.2.2 Wind Power Bases / 40
3.2.3 Solar Power Bases / 41
4 Power Grid Interconnection / 43
4.1 Power Flow / 44
4.1.1 Balance of Supply and Demand / 44
4.1.2 Power Flow Scheme / 45
4.2 Grid Interconnection / 47
4.2.1 Overall pattern / 47
4.2.2 Interconnection Scheme / 50
4.3 Key Interconnection Projects / 54
4.3.1 Key Projects in Short-Term / 54
4.3.2 Key Projects in Medium- and Long-Term / 56
4.4 Investment Estimation / 58
4.4.1 Investment Estimation Principle / 58
4.4.2 Investment Estimation Results / 59
5 Comprehensive Benefits / 61
5.1 Economic Benefits / 62
5.2 Social Benefits / 62
5.3 Environmental Benefits / 63
5.4 Political Benefits / 65
6 Policy and Mechanism / 67
References / 70
