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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术医学基础医学简明组织学彩色图谱(英文版)



定 价:¥58.00

作 者: 周劲松,寇博 编
出版社: 西安交通大学出版社
丛编项: 西安交通大学本科“十三五”规划教材
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787569313680 出版时间: 2020-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 141 字数:  






Chapter 1 Introduction
I. What is histology
II. Why study histology
III. How to study histology
IV. Note
Chapter 2 Epithelial Tissue
I. Characteristics and functions
II. Covering epithelium
III. Glandular epithelium
IV. Specialization of the cell surface
V. Epithelial renewal
Chapter 3 Connective Tissue Proper
I. Introduction
II. Loose connective tissue
III. Dense connective tissue
IV. Adipose tissue
V. Reticular tissue
Chapter 4 Cartilage and Bone
I. Introduction
II. Hyaline cartilage
III Elastic cartilage
IV. Fibrocartilage
I. Introduction
II. Bone tissue
III. Bone structure
IV. Bone formation
Chapter 5 Blood
I. Introduction
1II. Erythrocytes
III. Leukocytes
IV. Platelets
Chapter 6 Muscle Tissue
I. Introduction
II. Skeletal muscle
III. Cardiac muscle
IV. Smooth muscle
Chapter 7 Nerve Tissue
I Introduction
II Neurons
III Synapse
IV. Neuroglia
V Nerve fibers and nerves
VI Nerve endings
Chapter 8 Circulatory System
I Introduction
II General structure of blood vessels
III Arteries
IV Capillaries
V Veins
VI Heart
Chapter 9 Immune System
I. Introduction
II. Lymphoid tissue
III. Thymus
IV. Lymph nodes
V. Spleen
Chapter 10 Endocrine System
I. Introduction
II. Thyroid
III. Parathyroid glands
IV. Adrenal glands
V. Hypophysis
Chapter 11 Skin
I. Introduction
II. Epidermis
III. Dermis
IV.Appendages of skin
Chapter 12 Digestive Tract
I . General structure of the digestive tract
II. Esophagus
III. Stomach
IV. Small intestine
V. Large intestine
Chapter 13 Digestive Glands
I . Salivary glands
II. Pancreas
III. I.iver
IV. Gallbladder
Chapter 14 Respiratory System
I. Introduction
II. Trachea
III. Lungs
Chapter 15 Urinary System
I. Introduction
II. Kidneys
III. Urinary passages
IV. Bladder
Chapter 16 Male Reproductive System
I. Introduction
II. Testes
III. Epididymis
IV. Prostate
Chapter 17 Female Reproductive System
I. Ovaries
II. Oviduct
III. Uterus
IV. Vagina
V. Mammary glands
Chapter 18 Eye and Ear
I. Eyeball wall
II. Refracting media
I. Internal ear
II. Osseous labyrinth
III. Membranous labyrinth
