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定 价:¥58.00

作 者: 通典图书
出版社: 台海出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787516818329 出版时间: 2018-06-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  


  《游走百年故宫》以国人喜闻乐见而具有普遍认同的故宫为入口,以图文并茂、中英文解说的形式,从五个不同视角,展现了惊世绝俗的宫廷文化、雄伟的宫殿和精美的文物珍宝。中国的传统思想文化包括阴阳五行学说及意境与审美观念等,都通过故宫建筑语言得到充分体现。广大读者能从中感受中华文明,了解中国的历史和文化并产生共鸣,进而将中国文化推向世界。Content brief introduction: Rambling in The Centuried Palace starts from the Palace Museum, such a beloved and commonly identified image, and represents a brilliant aulic culture, magnificent palaces and elegant relics by combining pictures and texts, Chinese and English. Chinese traditional ideology and culture, including Yin-Yang and the five elements theory, artistic conception and aesthetic ideas, are totally presented by the language of the architecture in the Palace Museum. Readers can understand Chinese civilization and learn Chinese history and culture before their resonance, and then push Chinese culture to the world.




第一章 故宫印象 Chapter Ⅰ The Impression of the Palace Museum 

一、外朝印象/ 006 1. The Impression of the Outer Court / 006 

二、内廷深处/ 021 2. The Deeper Inner Court / 021 

(一)西六宫/ 040 (1) The Six Western Palaces / 040 

(二)东六宫/ 056 (2) Six Eastern Palaces / 056

三、皇家大戏楼——畅音阁/ 069 3. The Imperial Opera Theatre——the Pavilion of Cheerful Melodies / 069

第二章 皇家风月 神界凡间 Chapter II The Imperial Sceneries, Fairyland in Mortal 

一、角楼风骨/ 075 1. Vigor of the Corner Tower / 075 

二、 露台印象/ 078 2. The Impression of the Patio / 078 

三、日晷与嘉量/ 084 3. The Sundial and the Grain Measure / 084

四、故宫里的祥禽瑞兽/ 088 4. The Auspicious Birds and Beasts / 088 

五、珍稀古树奇石/ 100 5. The Ancient Trees and Rare Stones / 100 

(一)深宫古树/ 101 (1) The Ancient Trees inside the Palace / 101 

六、故宫影壁富丽堂皇/ 109 6. The Magnificent Screen Walls of the Palace Museum / 109 

