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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科社会科学社会学社会保障专业英语



定 价:¥38.00

作 者: 韩丽 著
出版社: 中国劳动社会保障出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787516747575 出版时间: 2020-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16K 页数: 字数:  






Unit1   About social security(关于社会保障) 1

Text A  Social security: A fundamental human right 3

Text B  Social justice, social protection and social security 9

Unit2   Demographic changes(人口变化) 16

Text A  Demographic changes and social security: 16

Text B  What does population ageing mean for social security? 23

Unit3   Old age / Survivors(老龄化) 30

Text A  The emergence of a long-life society 30

Text B  What does population ageing mean for social security? 35

Unit4   Health 43

Text A  Securing access to affordable and quality health care 43

Text B  Social security for healthy societies: Embracing a new mandate for prevention 46

Unit5   Employment policies(劳动政策) 54

Text A  Anticipating future labour-market megatrends 54

Text B  Social security and the future world of work 62

Unit6  Disability(残疾保障) 68

Text A   Persons with disabilities and access to social security 68

Text B  Vision Zero: Social security and prevention go hand-in-hand 74

Unit7   Family policies(家庭保障) 80

Text A  Family policies -Towards child-centred integrated family policies 80

Text B  Child benefits in the UK: The beginning of the end of universality? 86

Unit8   Social security financing and investment(社会保障基金及投资) 93

Text A  Social security and the challenge of sustainability 93

Text B  Financial sustainability and affordability of health-care systems 98

Unit9   Administration & management(管理) 108

Text A  Guiding social security to improved governance 108

Text B  Excellence in administration 118

Unit10   Managing reforms(社会保障改革) 130

Text A  Managing reforms : 

Text B  Promote social security reforms 134

Unit11   Extension coverage(延伸阅读) 140

Text A  Extending coverage 140

Text B  China: Towards universal health-care coverage 145

Unit 12  Introduce to social security system in China(中国的社会保障) 157

Text A  Framework of social security system in China 157

Text B  About the National Council for Social Security Fund 177

Appendix 1   Glossary of Social Security 189

Appendix 2  Words & Phrases with Chinese Characteristics 195

Appendix 3  Titles of State Organs of China 197

Appendix 4  Words and Phrases 201
