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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语读物智能测试原理与实践研究(英文版)



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作 者: 李锋 著
出版社: 中国海洋大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787567026391 出版时间: 2020-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 177 字数:  


  This book focuses on mechanical engineering test technology, including the basic principles of signal analysis methods, basic characteristics of measurement devices, and processing circuits. It also introduces the working principles, application methods of common sensors and practice requirements; there are also controlmethods and engineering examples in engineering.




Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 The Role and Significance of Testing Technology
1.2 Units of Measurement
1.3 Composition of the Test System
1.4 Development and Application of Testing Technology
1.5 Measurement Error
1.5.1 Truth-Value
1.5.2 Classification Based on Error Representation Methods
1.5.3 Classification Based on Error Sources
1.5.4 Errors in Numerical Calculations
Chapter 2 Signals and Analysis
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Signal Classification and Calculation
2.2.1 Deterministic Signals and Random Signals
2.2.2 Continuous Time Signal and Discrete Time Signal
2.2.3 Analog and Digital Signals 7
2.2.4 Odd and Even Signals
2.2.5 Periodic and Non-Periodic Signals
2.2.6 One-Dimensional and Multi-Dimensional Signals
2.2.7 Energy Signal and Power Signal
2.2.8 Signal Displacement, Scale Change and Defolding
2.3 Fourier Series Expansion of Periodic Signals
2.3.1 Trigonometric Function Expansion of Fourier Series
2.3.2 The Effect of Symmetry
2.4 Fourier Transform
2.4.1 Derivation of Fourier Transform
2.4.2 Properties of Fourier Transform
2.4.3 Convolution Characteristics
2.5 Digital Signal Processing
2.5.1 The Sampling Theorem
2.5.2 Aliasing
2.5.3 Choice of Sampling Frequency
2.5.4 Frequency Resolution and Quantization Error
Chapter 3 Basic Characteristics of the Test System
3.1 System and the Test System
3.2 Classification of the Test System
3.2.1 Continuous Time Systems and Discrete Time Systems
3.2.2 Dynamic and Real-Time Systems
3.2.3 Linear and Non-Linear Systems
3.2.4 Lumped Parameter System and Distributed Parameter System
3.2.5 Time-Varying Systems and Time-Invariant Systems
3.2.6 Causal and Non-Causal Systems
3.3 Linear Systems
3.3.1 Definition of Linear Time-lnvariant System
3.3.2 Properties of Linear Time-Invariant System
3.4 Test System-Related Issues
3.4.1 Measurement, Metering and Testing
3.4.2 Measurement Accuracy
3.4.3 Range and Measurement Range
3.4.4 Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Dynamic Range
3.5 Static Characteristics of the Test System
3.5.1 Linearity
3.5.2 Sensitivity
3.5.3 Repeatability
3.5.4 Hysteresis
3.5.5 Stability
3.5.6 Zero Drift
3.6 Test System Dynamic Characteristics
3.6.1 Linear Time-Invariant Systems
3.6.2 Transfer Function
3.6.3 First-Order Systems and Second-Order Systems
3.7 Conditions for Achieving Undistortion Testing
Chapter 4 Common Sensors
4.1 Classification of Sensors
4.2 Resistance Strain Sensor
4.2.1 Metal Wire Resistance Strain Effect
4.2.2 Metal Wire Resistance Strain Gauge Structure
4.2.3 Basic Characteristics of Wire Resistance Strain Gauges
4.2.4 Metal Foil Resistance Strain Gauge
4.2.5 Semiconductor Resistance Strain Gauge
4.3 Inductive Sensors
4.3.1 Variable Reluctance Sensor
4.3.2 Differential Transformer Sensor
4.3.3 Eddy Current Sensor
4.4 Capacitance Sensors
4.4.1 Polar-Pitch Varying Capacitance Sensor
4.4.2 Area-Changing Capacitance Sensor
4.4.3 Capacitance Sensors with Varying Dielectric Constant
4.4.4 Sensitivity and Measurement Circuit of the Capacitance Sensor
4.5 Piezoelectric Sensor
4.5.1 Piezoelectric Effect
4.5.2 Piezoelectric Materials
4.5.3 Equivalent Circuit
4.5.4 Measurement Circuit
4.6 Magnetoelectric Sensor
4.6.1 Working Principle of the Magnetoelectric Sensor
4.6.2 Magnetic Sensor
4.6.3 Hall Sensor
4.6.4 Application of the Magnetoelectric Sensor
4.7 Photoelectric Sensor
4.8 Development Trend of Sensors
Chapter 5 Signal Transformation and Processing
5.1 Signal Amplification
5.1.1 Measuring Amplifier
5.1.2 Isolation Amplifier
5.2 Electric Bridge
5.2.1 DC Bridge
5.2.2 AC B
