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地球大数据支撑可持续发展目标报告:一带一路篇(2020 英文版)

地球大数据支撑可持续发展目标报告:一带一路篇(2020 英文版)

定 价:¥268.00

作 者: 郭华东 著
出版社: 科学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787030675262 出版时间: 2021-08-01 包装: 精装
开本: 16开 页数: 384 字数:  


  《地球大数据支撑可持续发展目标报告(2020):“一带一路”篇》围绕零饥饿(SDG 2)、清洁饮水和卫生设施(SDG 6)、可持续城市和社区(SDG 11)、气候行动(SDG 13)、水下生物(SDG 14)和陆地生物(SDG 15)6个可持续发展目标(SDGs)所开展的44个案例研究、指标建设和可持续发展状态评估,展示了典型地区、国家、区域以及全球四个尺度在数据产品、方法模型和决策支持方面对相关SDGs及其指标进行的研究和监测评估成果,包括43套数据产品、25种方法模型和30个决策支持结果。这些案例展现了中国利用科技创新推动落实联合国“2030年可持续发展议程”的探索和实践,充分揭示了地球大数据技术对监测评估可持续发展目标的应用价值和广阔前景,开拓了在联合国技术促进机制框架下利用大数据、人工智能等先进技术方法支撑“2030年可持续发展议程”落实的新途径和新方法,为各国加强“2030年可持续发展议程”落实的监测评估提供借鉴。


暂缺《地球大数据支撑可持续发展目标报告:一带一路篇(2020 英文版)》作者简介


Foreword i
Preface v
Executive Summary ix
List of Cases on Big Earth Data for SDGs xv
Chapter 1 Introduction
Challenges to implementing the SDGs / 2
Big Earth Data / 3
Big Earth Data in Support of SDGs / 4
Chapter 2 SDG 2 Zero Hunger
Background / 8
Main Contributions / 9
Case Study / 11
Spatial distribution of classes of farmland size and agricultural productivity in Zambia / 11
Monitoring desert locusts in Asia and Africa / 18
Spatiotemporal patterns of rice paddy dynamics on the Indochina Peninsula / 25
Cultivated land productivity dataset and its application in Northeast Eurasia / 32
Ethiopian wheat production potential / 40
Capacity building contributing to food security governance in Mozambique / 46
Summary / 55
Chapter 3 SDG 6 Clean Water and Sanitation
Background / 58
Main Contributions / 59
Case Study / 60
Spatial and temporal patterns of surface water clarity in the countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative / 60
Crop water productivity assessment of a representative irrigation district in Morocco / 67
Water-use eff iciency in Central Asia / 74
Water-use eff iciency in the Lancang-Mekong River Basin / 81
Changes in water bodies in Ramsar sites / 90
Summary / 97
Chapter 4 SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
Background / 100
Main Contributions / 101
Case Study / 103
Road network changes and road connectivity assessment in the 65 countries in Asia, Europe and Africa / 103
Analyzing rural accessibility along the China-Pakistan Railway / 113
High-resolution urban impervious surface mapping for global urbanization assessment / 119
Urban land use eff iciency and sustainability analysis for cities in Asia, Europe and Africa / 125
Assessment of land use changes in global large cities / 133
Study on spatial and temporal distribution and protection countermeasures of cultural heritage in Asia, Europe and Africa / 140
Human disturbance monitoring and integrated pressure analysis in World Natural Heritage sites in Asia, Europe and Africa / 151
Summary / 159
Chapter 5 SDG 13 Climate Action
Background / 162
Main Contributions / 163
Case Study / 165
Natural disaster impact evaluation in Asia, Africa, Europe and Oceania, 2015-2019 / 165
Global burned area distribution and changes / 174
Factors and temporal variation of emissions from dust sources in Central Asia over the past 40 years / 179
Global forest carbon budget and climate change / 185
Risk assessment of freeze-thaw disasters in High Mountain Asia / 191
Contributing factors and growth trend analysis for the desert locust upsurge in early 2020 / 197
Evaluation of navigation capacity in the Northeast Passage / 203
Meteorological drought monitoring over arid Central Asia / 209
Summary / 216
Chapter 6 SDG 14 Life Below Water
Background / 220
Main Contributions / 221
Case Study / 223
Eutrophication assessment of the South China Sea and surrounding waters / 223
Spatiotemporal patterns of coastal aquaculture ponds on the Indochina Peninsula and their impact on offshore chlorophyll-a concentration / 232
Monitoring changes in water environments in the ocean around the Port of Colombo / 238
Monitoring the extent and dynamic change in mangrove forests of some coastal countries / 244
Conservation and utilization of the coastline / 251
Summary / 258
Chapter 7 SDG 15 Life on Land
Background / 262
Main Contributions / 264
Case Study / 266
Global/regional forest cover (2019) / 266
Assessment of vulnerability in protected areas of the “Three Seas and One Lake” international basins, 2001-2015 / 271
Spatiotemporal dynamics of forest cover in Southeast Asia / 276
Global Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) progress report / 284
Monitoring and assessing land degradation in five Central Asian countries / 289
Assessment of grassland degradation in Mediterranean Africa / 296
Dynamic monitoring and control measures of land degradation and restoration in Mongolia / 304
Time-series monitoring and decision support of the Mountain Green Cover Index in the Belt and Road Economic Corridors / 311
Assessment of forest changes in Asian elephant habitats / 319
Monitoring forest type of Amur tiger habitat / 325
Global land cover changes in the past 20 years / 331
Potential productivity and water use eff iciency for global terrestrial ecosystems / 339
Global assessment of the impact of population and climate change on the ecosystem material supply capacity of drylands / 347
Summary / 355
Chapter 8 Summary and Prospects / 358
References / 362
Acronyms / 381
