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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科政治中国政治历史与现实中的中国:中国是怎样一路走来的(英)



定 价:¥139.00

作 者: 刘志新 著,迟欣,饶佳慧 译
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
丛编项: 中国读本丛书
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787508546599 出版时间: 2021-06-01 包装: 精装
开本: 16开 页数: 264 字数:  


  “中国读本”丛书包括11个分册,逐一回答了“中国是怎样一路走来的”“中国共产党是怎样的党”“中国特色社会主义道路是怎样的道路”“中国梦是怎样的梦想”“中国的民主是怎样的民主”“中国现在处在怎样的时代”等一系列问题,帮助读者了解当代中国基本制度和发展大势,更加全面、客观地认识当代中国。 本书全景式展现中国的历史与现状,重点讲述中国共产党领导中国人民取得革命、建设、改革的伟大成就,中华民族实现从站起来、富起来到强起来的伟大历史进程。作者以平实、生动、准确的语言,将中国的过去、当下和未来向读者娓娓道来。 The “Reading China” series consists of six volumes, which answer questions including “How China has come all this way”, “What kind of party is the CPC”, “What is the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics”, “What is the Chinese Dream”, “What kind of democracy is China’s democracy” and “What era is China in”, respectively. It helps readers gain a comprehensive and objective understanding of the fundamental systems and general development trends of contemporary China. This book presents the history and current situation of China in a panoramic manner, focusing on the great achievements of the Chinese people in revolution, construction, and reform under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and the great historical process of the Chinese nation from standing up to getting rich and getting stronger. The author tells readers about China's past, present and future with plain, vivid and accurate language.


  刘志新,中央党史和文献研究院助理研究员,主要从事习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想研究、中共党史和党建研究。主编《新时代党的作风与纪律建设》一书;发表《严明党纪是党章的基本精神》《党的十八大以来全面建成小康社会的进展与成就》《长征中党的纪律建设》《1939:团结斗争促抗战》《中国共产党从严治党历程回顾》等十余篇论文。 Liu Zhixin As a research assistant at Central Institute of Party’s History and Literature, he is engaged in studying socialism with Chinese characteristics in Xi Jinping’s new era, as well as the CPC’s history and party construction. He edited How to Establish the CPC’s Style and Enforce its Disciplines in the New Era. Moreover, he published a dozen of papers, including “Rigid Discipline of the CPC is the Basic Spirit of the Party Constitution”, “The Development and Achieve ments of Bu ilding a oderately Prosperous Society Since the Eighteenth Congress of the CPC”, “Enforcing Discipline within the CPC during the Long March”, “1939: the United Struggle That Brought Victory in the Anti-Japanese War” and “Retrospection of the Journey of Strict Supervision Within the CPC”.


Chapter One  Dynasties: The Growth of an Ancient Oriental Civilization
The Beginning of the Chinese Nation
Abdicating and Passing Down the Throne by Yao, Shun and Yu
Family-Governed Monarchy
Cheng Tang’s Crusade Against Xia Jie
King Wu’s Conquest over King Zhou
War Signals Drama
The Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period
The Seven Warring States
The Unification of China by Qin
The Chu-Han War
The Silk Road
The Reign of Empire Guangwu
The Three Kingdoms
The Prosperous Period of the Tang Dynasty
Being Acclaimed Emperor by Supporters
The Reunification
The Last Empire
Chapter Two  Wandering in the Dawn: The Darkness and Humiliation of Modern China
The Opium War
The Second Opium War
The Burning of the Old Summer Palace
Winning on the Battlefield, but Losing in the End
The Humiliation of the First Sino-Japanese War
The Wave of Imperia list Powers Dividing China
The Siege of the International Legations
The Taiping Movement By the Peasantry
The Westernization Movement Led by the Landowning Class and the   Westernization Group
The Modernization Movement by Bourgeois Reformers
The Revolution of 1911 (The Xinhai Revolution) by the Bourgeois Revolutionaries
Chapter Three  A Hero’s Paean: The Struggle for Freedom and Liberation
The New Culture Movement
The May 4th Patriotic Movement
Walking Towards Marxism
Birth of the Communist Party of China
Realization of the First Nationalist-Communist Cooperation
The Climax and Failure of the Great National Revolution
The Opening of a New Path to the Chinese Revolution
Nation in Peril
Forming a Broad National United Front to Combat Japanese
Victory in the Anti-Japanese War
Wandering at the Crossroads
Victory in the Civil War and the People’s Liberation War
Establishment of the People’s Republic of China
Chapter Four  Rebirth in Nirvana: Foundation of the PRC and Establishment of Socialist System
Consolidation of the Nascent Regime
The War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea
The Transition to Socialism
The “First Five-Year Plan” That Laid the Foundation of Chinese Industry
The Establishment of the Socialist System
The Winding Path of Socialist Construction
The “Cultural Revolution”
Forced Agricultural Experience for City Intellectuals
The Opening of a New Dimension in Chinese Diplomacy
Chapter Five  Reform and Opening Up: The Decisive Move to Determine China’s Destiny
Discussion on the Criteria of Truth
The Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China
The Four Fundamental Principles
Taking the First Step towards Reform
Opening the Door to the Outside World
The Proposal of a “Xiaokang Society”
The Adjustment of Diplomatic Policy
A Primary Stage of Socialism
One Country with Two Regimes
Southern Talks by Deng Xiaoping
Socialist Market Economy
The “1992 Consensus”
China’s Accession to the World Trade Organization
To Pursue Development in a Scientific Way
Realizing the Dream of Hosting the Olympic Games
Chapter Six  Rebuilding the Chinese Dream: Towards a New Era of National Rejuvenation
A New Era for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
The Proposal of the Chinese Dream of National Rejuvenation
The Eight-Point Regulation that Changed China
Pushing Forward the Reform and Opening up
“The Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy” of Governance
Strive to Promote the New Vision on Development
Leading the New Economic Normal
Building a Beautiful China
Building a Community of Shared Future for Mankind
Winning the Battle Against COVID-19
Poverty Elimination
Securing a Decisive Victory in Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in all Aspects
