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定 价:¥128.00

作 者: 周亚平
出版社: 江苏凤凰文艺出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787559455093 出版时间: 2021-05-01 包装: 盒装
开本: 32开 页数: 字数:  






Paper Puppets
Paper Puppets 纸偶
If the Wheat Dies 如果麦子死了
The Brilliant Prerequisite 灿烂的前提
Love Had Better Start Early 恋爱还是要及早开始
Silversmith Shop 银匠铺子
Dog Basket 狗筐
Grey Dog 灰狗
We’ll Mess Things Up 我们会把东西弄坏
Cog 嵌齿
The Crow Won’t Be Regarded as Divine 乌鸦不会被视为神明
Commemoration 2 纪念2
Commemoration 3 纪念3
Prayer 祈祷
Extravagant Illumination 奢侈的照明
Secret Garden 秘密花园
It’s Just That, at Center Stage, Slowly,
Black Waters Gather 只是,舞场中央慢慢积聚起黑色的水
The Cartoon Deemed Ridiculous from the Start
Involvement with Sweet Death 与甜蜜死亡的干系
We Are Playing Games Barefoot 我们赤着脚在做游戏
Waves Surprisingly Surge from Underneath 它的下面竟泛出波涛
You Put Yourself In 你把自己放了进去
Sincerity in the River’s Morning Water 赤诚在早间的河水
Hallucination 幻象
This Rock Would Like to Flower 这块石头想开花
Jump, Jump, Jump, Jump! 跳,跳,跳,跳!
Kneeling or Crouching Sex 跪着或趴下
A Poem Changes Direction While Writing 一首诗在写作中改变了方向
This Rotten Poem Is for Pound 把这首烂诗送给庞德
Tense Relations 紧张关系
Love in Despair 绝望爱情
Offer Modigliani a Subject 送莫迪里阿尼一个题材
The Height of the Master Almost Reaches the Eaves
The Mortality of Happiness Is Twice
That of Loneliness 快乐死亡率高于孤独一倍
Counteraction 反制
All Protection Lost 所有的庇护都在丧失
Misappropriation, My Scheme 挪用,我的预谋
Tattoo 刺青
Connection 联系
Predicament 困境
Blood-colored Jam 血色之果酱
Love in the Last Glow of Sunset 爱在落日余晖
Enter You, Just As Anxiety Finds a
Wonderful Dream 进入你,就像焦虑找到了美梦
To Sarah Kane 致萨拉·凯恩
Reaction 反应
To Godard 致戈达尔
Border: To Bei Dao 边界:致北岛
Bright Reality 明亮的现实
Vivacious Body 昂扬的身体
Eavesdropping on the Soul 偷听灵魂
Fragile 脆弱
Irrigation Is the Lifeblood of Agriculture 水利是农业的命脉
Lowly 卑微
Grace 恩泽
Snow Piled Up on the Mountains 白雪已积满群山
Part-timer Chicks Come Here in Spring 打工的小鸟春天来
Red Memory 红的记忆
A Crane Rests on the Roof 仙鹤歇在房顶
To Kerouac 致凯鲁亚克
Zidane 齐内
Yoko Ono 小野洋子
The Flame’s Distortion 火焰的篡改
A Narrow Staircase 一架窄梯
Neither Bright Nor Upright 不光明正大
This Is the Biggest Horse I Saw Today 这是今天看到的的马
Airport Railway Express 机场快轨
I Need Something Dry 我需要一些干燥的东西
The Green Monster 绿怪兽
Going Up to Yunnan 上云南
Jaipur 斋浦尔
Paris 巴黎
Goddess 神
I’ve Slept with the Sea 我睡过大海 Magicicada
Decorating Ourselves as Tanks, We Wouldn’t Look for Love
Meaning and Horse 语义和马
Grammar 语法
Silent Fantasy 平静的异想
Different from Trains that I Saw 和我见到的列车不一样
Untitled 无题
Copulating Ants 交媾的蚂蚁
Joyful Things 欢乐的事情
Feeding 喂食
The Play at the Kaiming Theatre 开明剧场的戏剧
Passing Rain-Flower Terrace 经过雨花台
Imitate Classical Philosophy 仿古典哲理
Fake Aphorism 伪格言
Greedy Sheep 贪婪的羊
Our Country's Agriculture 我国农业
Ride a Jet 乘坐喷气式飞机
Fresh Wood 新鲜的木材
Behavioral Error 行为的过失
Oh, My Heart of Hearts 哦,内心
Irony 反讽
The Parakeet by Water 水边鹦鹉
The Avant-Garde 先锋派
By Rice Straws 稻草旁
White Sand Spring 1 白沙泉1
White Sand Spring 2 白沙泉2
Maize (Jade Rice) Master 玉米师傅
I’ll Write about Autumn Dusk in the Mountains 我将写山居秋瞑
Control 支配
For Joe Hisaishi 致久石让
One is Still in Sweden, The Other One is Already in Norway
Passing Through These Things, Enough Movement
