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Hydrogen generation from ethanol using plasma reforming technology(等离子体重整乙醇制氢技术)

Hydrogen generation from ethanol using plasma reforming technology(等离子体重整乙醇制氢技术)

定 价:¥98.00

作 者: 严建华 著
出版社: 浙江大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787308187664 出版时间: 2019-02-01 包装: 平装-胶订
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  




暂缺《Hydrogen generation from ethanol using plasma reforming technology(等离子体重整乙醇制氢技术)》作者简介


1 Plasma for Ethanol Reforming n
1.1 Hydrogeand Plasma n
1.2 Reforming Technologies of Liquid Fuel n
1.2.1 CO2 Reforming n
1.2.2 Partial OxidatioReforming n
1.2.3 Steam Reforming n
1.2.4 Autothermal Reforming n
1.2.5 ComparisoAmong Different Reforming Processes n
1.3 HydrogeProductioby Ethanol Reforming n
1.3.1 Catalytic Ethanol Reforming for HydrogeProduction
1.3.2 Plasma Ethanol Reforming for HydrogeProduction
References n
Non-thermal Are Plasma for Ethanol Reforming n
and HydrogeProduction
2.1 Non-thermal Plasma n
2.2 Non-thermal Arc Plasma Reforming of Ethanol to Produce n
2.3 Factors Affecting oPlasma Reforming of Ethanol n
2.3.1 Effects of the Components of the Materials n
2.3.2 Effects of the Carrier Gas n
2.3.3 Effects of the Input Power n
2.3.4 Effects of Other Factors n
2.4 Comparisoof the Non-thermal Plasma Reforming of Ethanol n
2.5 Developmental Trends of the Non-thermal Arc Plasma n
Reforming of Ethanol n
References n
3 Hydrogefrom Ethanol by a Plasma Reforming System n
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Materials and Methods n
3.2.1 Experimental Setup n
3.2.2 Calculation
3.3 Results and Discussion
3.3.1 Effect of the O/C Ratio n
3.3.2 Effect of the S/C Ratio n
3.3.3 Effect of the Input Power n
3.3.4 Effect of the Ethanol Flow Rate n
3.4 Conclusion
References n
4 Hydrogefrom Ethanol by a Miniaturized Plasma n
Reforming System n
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Experimental Setup n
4.3 Results and Discussion
4.3.1 Voltage-Current Characteristic n
4.3.2 Effect of the O/C Ratio n
4.3.3 Effect of the S/C Ratio n
4.3.4 Effect of the Ethanol Flow Rate n
4.4 Conclusion
References n
Plasma-Catalytic Reforming for HydrogeGeneration
from Ethanol n
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Experimental Setup n
5.2.1 Plasma-Catalytic Setup n
5.2.2 Catalysts Characterization
5.3 Results and Discussion
5.3.1 Effect of the O/C Ratio n
5.3.2 Effect of the S/C Ratio n
5.4 Conclusion
References n
6 Mechanism for the Plasma Reforming of Ethanol n
6.1 Mechanism Analysis of the Single Plasma Reforming of Ethanol n
6.1.1 Electron-Molecule Collision
6.1.2 Free Radical Reaction
6.1.3 The Generatioand Conversioof the MaiProducts n
6.1.4 Suppressioand Removal of CarboDeposition
ithe Reforming Process n
6.1.5 Removal of NOr ithe Process of Reforming n
6.2 Mechanism Analysis of the Plasma-Catalytic Reforming n
of Ethanol n
6.2.1 Related Mechanism of the Catalytic Reforming n
of Ethanol n
6.2.2 Effects of Plasma othe Surface Characteristics n
of the Catalyst n
6.2.3 The Surface Reactioof the Electronic/Radical-Catalyst n
6.3 ComparisoBetweePlasma Reforming and n
Plasma-Catalyst Reforming n
6.4 Summary n
References n
7 Outlook n
