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Design of Digital Control System for Electric Drive(英文版)

Design of Digital Control System for Electric Drive(英文版)

定 价:¥40.00

作 者: 潘月斗王哲 编
出版社: 冶金工业出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787502476434 出版时间: 2018-07-01 包装: 平装-胶订
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  


  潘月斗、王哲著的《电力拖动数字控制系统设计 (英文版)》从实际应用出发,比较系统的介绍了电 力拖动自动控制系统数字化设计思想和方法。在介绍 了数字控制系统的结构组成及数字控制系统的基本特 点之后,重点讲述了数字控制器的设计。*后详细说 明了电力拖动自动控制系统(交、直流调速系统、交 流伺服系统)数字化设计方法步骤,以及接口、总线 设计等。


暂缺《Design of Digital Control System for Electric Drive(英文版)》作者简介


Chapter 1 The Constitution of the Electric Drive Digital Control
System and Its Hardware and Software System
1.1 The structure of electrical power drive digital control system
1.2 The hardware system of the electrical power drive digital control system
1.2.1 The hardware system of the digital controller
1.2.2 Signal detector
1.3 A software system for digital controllers
1.4 System development and integration
1.4.1 Requirements for developing a system
1.4.2 Universal digital development platform
Chapter 2 The Basic Features of Electric Digital Control System
2.1 The similarities and differences between the drive digital control system and the electric drive continuous(analog)control system
2.2 Discretization and sampling
2.3 Quantification of continuous variables
2.4 Quantization of incremental encoder pulse signals
2.4.1 The measurement of rotate speed
2.4.2 Measurement of angle position
2.5 Quantization of analog value like voltage and current
2.5.1 Instantaneous value method
2.5.2 Average value method
2.6 Ouantization error and proportion factor
2.6.1 Quantization error
2.6.2 Sealing factor allocation and overflow protection
2.7 Data processing and digital filtering
2.7.1 Representation of data
2.7.2 Digital filtering
Chapter 3 Design of Digital Controller
3.1 Design method of digital controller
3.1.1 Approximate design method
3.l.2 Analytic design method
3.2 Discretization method
3.2.1 Integral transform method
3.2.2 Zero pole matching method
3.2.3 Equivalent transformation method
3.3 PID control
3.3.1 Digital PID regulator
3.3.2 Improvement of digital PID regulator
3.3.3 Open loop feedforward compensation (pre-eontrol)
3.4 Design of digital control system based on pole assignment and state estimation
3.4.1 Pole assignment of discrete time state space system
3.4.2 State observer design
3.4.3 Pole configuration of state observer
3.4.4 Pole assignment of discrete system with reference input
3.5 Implementation of control algorithm
3.5.1 Implement block diagrams and algorithms
3.5.2 Serial implementation and parallel implementation
3.5.3 Nested program implementation method
3.5.4 Selection of sampling period
Chapter 4 Full Digital Design of Electric Drive Automatic
