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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术工业技术化学工业Synthesis, Properties and Applications of Ferrocene-Based Derivatives, Polymers and Hydrogels 二茂铁基衍生物、聚合物和水凝胶的合成、性能及应用

Synthesis, Properties and Applications of Ferrocene-Based Derivatives, Polymers and Hydrogels 二茂铁基衍生物、聚合物和水凝胶的合成、性能及应用

Synthesis, Properties and Applications of Ferrocene-Based Derivatives, Polymers and Hydrogels 二茂铁基衍生物、聚合物和水凝胶的合成、性能及应用

定 价:¥88.00

作 者: 王立,俞豪杰
出版社: 浙江大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787308166027 出版时间: 2017-03-01 包装: 平装-胶订
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  


  王立、俞豪杰主编的《二茂铁基衍生物聚合物和 水凝胶的合成性能及应用(英文版)(精)》将二茂铁基 聚合物的合成、性能与应用分五部分进行介绍,** 部分绪论,第二部分主链含二茂铁基的线型聚合物的 合成与性能;第三部分侧链含二茂铁基的线型聚合物 的合成与性能;第四部分是二茂铁基体形聚合物合成 与性能;第五部分二茂铁基聚合物的应用。


  Li Wang is a Professor at the State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, College of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Zhejiang University, China, and Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK. He received his Ph.D degree from Zhejiang University, China, and did postdoctoral research at the University of Waterloo, Canada. Currently, he is the dean of the International College, Zhejiang University, China. He also served as a visiting professor at the University of Washington, USA. His research interests largely focus on the synthesis of polymers and preparation of nanomaterials. He has published about 300 papers in journals, such as Chemical Reviews, Progress in Polymer Science, Angewandte ChemieInternational Edition and so on. He has been invited to visit universities in the USA, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Canada, Japan, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, Norway, Finland, Australia, Belgium, Russia, Thailand, Sweden, the Czech Republic, South Africa, Brazil, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Lithuania, the New Zealand, Indonesia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and so on to give lectures or academic communications and so on. Haojie Yu is an Associate Professor at the College of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Zhejiang University, China. He received his Ph.D degree and did postdoctoral research at Zhejiang University, China. He served as a visiting associate researcher at University of California, Irvine, USA. His research interests mainly focus on the preparation and applications of functional polymers, nanocomposites and coatings. He has published more than 100 papers in journals, such as Chemical Reuiews, Progress in Polymer Science, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition and so on.


Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Synthesis, Properties and Applications of Ferrocene-Based Derivatives 2.1 Synthesis and Characterization of Ferrocene-Based Derivatives 2.1.1 Colorimetric Probe Molecules 2.1.2 Ferrocenyl Receptor [N,N'-Bis(amideferrocenylbisethoxyethane)] 2.1.3 Ferrocene Carboxylates Containing Epoxy Rings 2.1.4 2,2-Bis [4- (2-hydroxy-3-ferrocenyloxypropoxy)pheny1] propane 2.1.5 Glycidyl Ferrocene Dicarboxylate 2.1.6 Ferrocenyl Azobenzenes 2.1.7 Ferrocene-Based Boronic Acid Derivatives 2.2 Properties of Ferrocene-BasedDerivatives 2.2.1 Colorimetric Probe Molecules 2.2.2 Ferrocenyl Receptor [N, N'Bis(amideferrocenylbisethoxyethane)] 2.2.3 Ferrocene Carboxylates Containing Epoxy Rings 2.2.4 2,2-Bis[4-(2-hydroxy-3-ferrocenyloxypropoxy)phenyl]propane 2.2.5 Glycidyl Ferrocene Dicarboxylate 2.2.6 Ferrocenyl Azobenzenes 2.2.7 Ferrocene-Based BoronicAcid Derivatives 2.3 Applications of Ferrocene-Based Derivatives 2.3.1 Colorimetric Probe Molecules 2.3.2 FerrocenylReceptor IN, N'-Bis(amideferrocenylbisethoxyethane)] 2.3.3 Ferrocene Carboxylates Containing Epoxy Rings 2.3.4 2,2-Bis [4-(2-hydroxy-3-ferrocenyloxypropoxy)pheny1] propane 2.3.5 Ferrocenyl Azobenzenes 2.4 Summary Chapter 3 Synthesis, Properties and Applications of Ferrocene-Based Polymers 3.1 Synthesis and Characterization of Ferrocene-Based Polymers 3.1.1 Main-Chain Ferrocene-Based Polymers Containing Aromatic Units 3.1.2 Main-Chain Ferrocene-Based Polyesters with Azobenzene in the Side Chain 3.1.3 Ferrocene-poly(styrene)-b-poly(3-trimethoxysilyl) propylmethacrylate 3.1.4 FerroceneModified Poly[3-ethyl-3-(hydroxymethyl)oxetane] 3.1.5 Poly(bisphenol-A-1,1'-ferrocene dicarboxylate) 3.1.6 Linear Oligo (ferrocenylsilane) and Hyperbranched Poly (ferrocenyl-silane) 3.1.7 Poly(ferrocenylsilane) 3.1.8 Hollow Ferrocenyl Coordination Polymer Microspheres 3.1.9 Ferrocene-Based Polyethyleneimines 3.1.10 Ferrocenyl Functionalized Hyperbranched Polyethylene 3.2 Properties of Ferroeene-Based Polymers 3.2.1 Main-Chain Ferrocene-Based Polymers Containing Aromatic Units 3.2.2 Main-Chain Ferrocene-Based Polyesters with Azobenzene in the Side Chain 3.2.3 Ferrocene-poly ( styrene ) -b-poly ( 3-trimethoxysilyl ) propylmethacrylate 3.2.4 Ferrocene Modified Poly ~ 3-ethyl-3-(hydroxymethyl)oxetane] 3.2.5 Poly(bisphenol-A-l,l'-ferrocene dicarboxylate) Films 3.2.6 Linear Oligo (ferrocenylsilane) and Hyperbranched Poly (ferrocenyl-silane) 3.2.7 Poly(ferrocenylsilane)/Deoxyribonucleic Acid Modified Glass Carbon Electrode 3.2.8 Poly (ferrocenylsilane) 3.2.9 Hollow Ferrocenyl Coordination Polymer Microspheres 3.2.10 Ferroceny Functionalized Hyperbranched Polyethylene 3.3 Applications of Ferrocene-Based Polymers 3.3.1 Main-Chain Ferrocene-Based Polymers Containing Aromatic Units 3.3.2 Poly (ferrocenyldimethylsilane) 3.3.3 Hollow Ferrocenyl Coordination Polymer Microspheres 3.3.4 Ferrocene-Based Polyethyleneimines 3.3.5 Ferrocenyl Functionalized Hyperbranched Polyethylene 3.4 Summary Chapter 4 Synthesis, Properties and Applications of Ferrocene-Based Hydrogels 4.1 Synthesis and Characterization ofFerrocene-Based Hydrogels 4.1.1 β-Cyclodextrin-Based Host Hydrogels 4.1.2 Ferrocene-Based Guest Hydrogels 4.2 Properties ofFerrocene-Based Hydrogels 4.2.1 β-Cyclodextrin-Based Host Hydrogels and Ferrocene-Based Guest Hydrogels 4.2.2 Ferrocene-Based Bi-Gel Strip 4.3 Applications of Ferrocene-Based Itydrogels 4.4 Summary Chapter 5 Outlook Index
