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定 价:¥298.00

作 者: 于宏兵、周启星、郑力燕 主编, [瑞典]Linus Zhang 副主编
出版社: 化学工业出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787122306357 出版时间: 2019-09-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  




  于宏兵,南开大学环境科学与工程学院,教授 博导。南开大学清洁生产研究中心主任,兼任国家清洁生产中心审核部主任(2005年-2009年),国家清洁生产与循环经济研究中心研究员,天津市清洁生产专业委员会副主任。主要研究方向:环境工程,清洁生产技术,循环经济。1986年开始进行环境科学、环境工程、清洁生产审核和清洁生产技术开发研究工作。1986年开始环境科研、环境工程工作、1998年开始清洁生产审核和清洁生产技术开发研究工作,2002年获国家重点环境保护技术证书《糠醇铜铬催化剂清洁生产工艺研究》(一主持人),并获部级科技进步奖。在全国范围内主持清洁生产审核和节能审计项目100余项,为企业解决清洁生产技术难题20余项,先后主持参加了国家攻关项目、科技支撑项目和部级基金项目20余项,近年来还完成了《新疆沙雅工业园区循环经济规划》,《天津九千纸业循环经济规划》,《废旧轮胎综合利用清洁生产标准和技术要求》,《采油行业清洁生产技术要求》,《废中药渣热裂解和水解资源化评价研究》。从事环境科学研究工作25余年,获国家和部级科技进步二等奖三项,部级科技进步三等奖二项;主持完成的国际合作项目二项、环境工程治理项目30余项。正在主持的国家和部级基金项目有三项、能源审计和合理用能评估项目40余项。1996年获全国环保系统“优秀科技工作者奖”,并获国家优秀科技工作者提名。2004年获部级有突出贡献的中青年技术人才奖。近四年发表论文50篇,其中SCI、EI收录20篇,循环经济、低碳经济以及清洁生产方面的技术论文30余篇,。出版20万字“食品行业清洁生产与案例解析”专著1部。两次作为客座研究员在日本国立广岛大学等地做长期研究工作。三次应邀赴日本国立环境科学研究所进行学术交流讲学,一次赴香港科技大学进行固废再利用的讲学。主持和参加几十项由国家环保部组织的“国家行业清洁生产标准”,“国家清洁生产审核指南制定导则”、“行业清洁生产的指南标准”等的课题论证会议。作为专家几十次主持地方剂行业的清洁生产审核报告评审,几年来为国家和行业级别技术研讨会以及企业集团等做清洁生产及相关讲座近百场。


总论 第1章 松花江流域概况 / 2 1.1 自然环境特征 2 1.2 土地利用特征 12 1.3 社会经济特征 13 第2章 流域水生态功能分区内涵与体系 / 16 2.1 流域水生态功能分区的内涵 16 2.2 流域水生态功能分区体系和方法 19 第3章 松花江流域水生态功能分区理论基础 / 24 3.1 一级、二级分区理论基础 24 3.2 三级分区理论基础 26 3.3 四级分区理论基础 27 第4章 松花江流域水生态功能分区编码与命名 / 30 4.1 分区编码 30 4.2 分区命名 31 第5章 松花江流域水生态功能分区方案 / 33 5.1 松花江流域水生态功能一级分区方案 33 5.2 松花江流域水生态功能二级分区方案 34 5.3 松花江流域水生态功能三级分区方案 36 5.4 松花江流域水生态功能四级分区方案 38 分论 第6章 松花江流域水生态功能一级分区单元说明 / 50 6.1 一级分区1(RAⅠ)大兴安岭山地平水类型水生态区 50 6.2 一级分区2(RAⅡ)松嫩平原平原少水类型水生态区 56 6.3 一级分区3(RAⅢ)二松及松花江干流丘陵丰水类型水生态区 62 6.4 一级分区4(RAⅣ)长白山山地多水类型水生态区 68 6.5 一级分区5(RAⅤ)三江平原平原平水类型水生态区 74 第7章 松花江流域水生态功能二级分区单元说明 / 80 7.1 二级分区1(RAⅠ1)大兴安岭东北部山地森林类型水生态亚区 80 7.2 二级分区2(RAⅠ2)大兴安岭西北部山地森林类型水生态亚区 85 7.3 二级分区3(RAⅠ3)嫩江右岸山地森林类型水生态亚区 90 7.4 二级分区4(RAⅠ4)嫩江右岸丘陵草原类型水生态亚区 95 7.5 二级分区5(RAⅡ1)松嫩平原东部农业植被类型水生态亚区 100 7.6 二级分区6(RAⅡ2)松嫩平原中部草甸沼泽类型水生态亚区 106 7.7 二级分区7(RAⅡ3)松嫩平原西部草甸沼泽类型水生态亚区 112 7.8 二级分区8(RAⅢ1)小兴安岭山地丘陵农业类型水生态亚区 117 7.9 二级分区9(RAⅢ2)松花江中游丘陵过渡带农业类型水生态亚区 123 7.10 二级分区10(RAⅢ3)二松中游丘陵农业类型水生态亚区 128 7.11 二级分区11(RAⅢ4)牡丹江中下游山地农业类型水生态亚区 133 7.12 二级分区12(RAⅣ1)长白山山地森林类型水生态亚区 138 7.13 二级分区13(RAⅣ2)牡丹江上游山地森林类型水生态亚区 144 7.14 二级分区14(RAⅤ1)三江平原平原农业类型水生态亚区 149 7.15 二级分区15(RAⅤ2)倭肯河丘陵平原农业类型水生态亚区 155 第8章 松花江流域水生态功能三级、四级分区单元说明 / 161 8.1 三级分区1(RAⅠ1-1)大兴安岭嫩江上游丘陵林地河流类型生境维持功能区 161 8.2 三级分区2(RAⅠ1-2)大兴安岭嫩江中游丘陵农田河流类型农业生产维持功能区 172 8.3 三级分区3(RAⅠ2-1)大兴安岭嫩江源头丘陵林地河流类型水源涵养功能区 181 8.4 三级分区4(RAⅠ2-2)大兴安岭甘河源头山地林地河流类型生境维持功能区 187 8.5 三级分区5(RAⅠ2-3)大兴安岭郭思河丘陵城镇林地河流类型生境维持和城市支撑功能区 196 8.6 三级分区6(RAⅠ3-1)嫩江右岸诺敏河上游山地林地河流类型生境维持和水源涵养功能区 206 8.7 三级分区7(RAⅠ3-2)嫩江右岸绰尔河上游山地林地河流类型水源涵养功能区 220 8.8 三级分区8(RAⅠ3-3)嫩江右岸洮儿河上游山地林地河流类型生境维持功能区 226 8.9 三级分区9(RAⅠ4-1)嫩江右岸雅鲁河中游丘陵农田河流类型农业生产维持功能区 236 8.10 三级分区10(RAⅠ4-2)嫩江右岸洮儿河中游丘陵草地农田河流类型生境维持和农业生产维持功能区 245 8.11 三级分区11(RAⅠ4-3)嫩江右岸霍林河上游山地草地河流类型水资源支持功能区 255 8.12 三级分区12(RAⅡ1-1)嫩江左岸讷谟尔河丘陵城镇农田河流类型城市支撑功能区 265 8.13 三级分区13(RAⅡ1-2)嫩江左岸乌裕尔河丘陵城镇农田河流类型农业生产维持和城市支撑功能区 274 8.14 三级分区14(RAⅡ1-3)松嫩平原东部呼兰河平原农田河流类型农业生产维持功能区 286 8.15 三级分区15(RAⅡ2-1)松嫩平原中部嫩江下游平原农田河流类型农业生产维持功能区 292 8.16 三级分区16(RAⅡ2-2)松嫩平原中部松花江上游平原城镇农田河流类型农业生产维持和城市支撑功能区 301 8.17 三级分区17(RAⅡ3-1)松嫩平原西部洮儿河下游平原城镇农田河流类型城市支撑功能区 310 8.18 三级分区18(RAⅡ3-2)松嫩平原西部二松下游平原农田河流类型农业生产维持功能区 323 8.19 三级分区19(RAⅢ1-1)小兴安岭汤旺河上游丘陵林地河流类型水源涵养功能区 329 8.20 三级分区20(RAⅢ1-2)小兴安岭呼兰河上游丘陵城镇林地河流类型生境维持和城市支撑功能区 342 8.21 三级分区21(RAⅢ1-3)小兴安岭汤旺河下游丘陵林地河流类型水资源支持功能区 348 8.22 三级分区22(RAⅢ2-1)松花江中游蚂蚁河下游丘陵城镇林地河流类型生境维持和城市支撑功能区 361 8.23 三级分区23(RAⅢ2-2)松花江中游阿什河丘陵城镇农田河流类型农业生产维持和城市支撑功能区 370 8.24 三级分区24(RAⅢ2-3)松花江中游拉林河丘陵农田河流类型农业生产维持功能区 376 8.25 三级分区25(RAⅢ3-1)二松中游伊通河上游丘陵农田河流类型农业生产维持功能区 385 8.26 三级分区26(RAⅢ3-2)二松中游伊通河下游平原农田河流类型农业生产维持和水资源支持功能区 397 8.27 三级分区27(RAⅢ4-1)牡丹江中下游丘陵林地河流类型水资源支持功能区 403 8.28 三级分区28(RAⅢ4-2)牡丹江中游山地林地河流类型水源涵养功能区 411 8.29 三级分区29(RAⅣ1-1)长白山二道江山地林地河流类型水源涵养功能区 420 8.30 三级分区30(RAⅣ1-2)长白山头道江山地林地河流类型水资源支持功能区 428 8.31 三级分区31(RAⅣ1-3)二松流域辉发河丘陵城镇林地河流类型水资源支持和城市支撑功能区 436 8.32 三级分区32(RAⅣ2-1)牡丹江上游山地林地河流类型水资源支持和水源涵养功能区 446 8.33 三级分区33(RAⅣ2-2)长白山镜泊湖山地林地河流类型生境维持和水源涵养功能区 455 8.34 三级分区34(RAⅣ2-3)二松流域蛟河丘陵林地河流类型水资源支持和水源涵养功能区 468 8.35 三级分区35(RAⅤ1-1)三江平原松花江下游平原农田河流类型农业生产维持功能区 474 8.36 三级分区36(RAⅤ1-2)松花江佳木斯段平原城镇农田河流类型农业生产维持和城市支撑功能区 483 8.37 三级分区37(RAⅤ2-1)倭肯河上游丘陵林地河流类型生境维持功能区 495 8.38 三级分区38(RAⅤ2-2)倭肯河中下游平原农田河流类型农业生产维持功能区 504 第9章 松花江流域河段水生态系统类型说明 / 512 9.1 河流类型1(编码:01;名称:弯曲急流林地岸带河流类型) 513 9.2 河流类型2(编码:02;名称:弯曲急流草地岸带河流类型) 518 9.3 河流类型3(编码:03;名称:弯曲缓流林地岸带河流类型) 523 9.4 河流类型4(编码:04;名称:弯曲缓流草地岸带河流类型) 528 9.5 河流类型5(编码:05;名称:弯曲缓流农田岸带河流类型) 533 9.6 河流类型6(编码:06;名称:顺直急流林地岸带河流类型) 538 9.7 河流类型7(编码:07;名称:顺直急流草地岸带河流类型) 543 9.8 河流类型8(编码:08;名称:顺直缓流林地岸带河流类型) 547 9.9 河流类型9(编码:09;名称:顺直缓流草地岸带河流类型) 552 9.10 河流类型10(编码:10;名称:顺直缓流农田岸带河流类型) 557 9.11 河流类型11(编码:11;名称:缓流城镇岸带河流类型) 562 9.12 河流类型12(编码:12;名称:缓流湖库河流类型) 567 9.13 河流类型13(编码:13;名称:缓流盐沼河流类型) 572 9.14 河流类型14(编码:14;名称:缓流淡水沼泽河流类型) 577 参考文献 / 583 General Part 1 General description of Songhua River Basin / 2 1.1 Characteristics of natural environment 2 1.2 Characteristics of land use 12 1.3 Characteristics of social economy 13 2 Connotation system of river basin aqua-ecologic functional zoning / 16 2.1 Connotation of basin aqua-ecologic functional zoning 16 2.2 System and method of basin aqua-ecologic functional zoning 19 3 Theoretical basis of aqua-ecologic functional zoning in Songhua River Basin / 24 3.1 Theoretical basis of first-stage and second-stage zoning 24 3.2 Theoretical basis of third-stage zoning 26 3.3 Theoretical basis of fourth-stage zoning 27 4 Coding and naming of aqua-ecologic functional zoning in Songhua River Basin / 30 4.1 Zones coding 30 4.2 Zones naming 31 5 Zoning principle of aqua-ecologic functional zoning in Songhua River Basin / 33 5.1 Zoning principle of aqua-ecologic function first-stage zoning in Songhua River Basin 33 5.2 Zoning principle of aqua-ecologic function second-stage zoning in Songhua River Basin 34 5.3 Zoning principle of aqua-ecologic function third-stage zoning in Songhua River Basin 36 5.4 Zoning principle of aqua-ecologic function fourth-stage zoning in Songhua River Basin 38 Special Part 6 Description of aqua-ecologic function first-stage zoning in Songhua River Basin / 50 6.1 RAⅠ Greater Khingan Range mountain flat-water aqua-ecological zone 50 6.2 RAⅡ Plain of Songnen Plain less water type aqua-ecological area 56 6.3 RAⅢ Second Songhua River and trunk stream of Songhua River hills and abundant water type aqua-ecological area 62 6.4 RAⅣ Changbai Mountains Mountain water type aqua-ecological area 68 6.5 RAⅤ Sanjiang plain water type aqua-ecological area 74 7 Description of aqua-ecologic function second-stage zoning in Songhua River Basin / 80 7.1 RAⅠ1 Montane forest types in Northeastern Greater Khingan Range aqua-ecological sub region 80 7.2 RAⅠ2 Montane forest types in Northwestern Greater Khingan Range aqua-ecological sub region 85 7.3 RAⅠ3 Mountain forest types in Nenjiang River right bank aqua-ecological sub region 90 7.4 RAⅠ4 Hilly grassland types in Nenjiang River right bank aqua-ecological sub region 95 7.5 RAⅡ1 Vegetation type in Songnen Plain of Eastern agriculturek aqua-ecological sub region 100 7.6 RAⅡ2 Central Songnen Plain meadow swamp type aqua-ecological sub region 106 7.7 RAⅡ3 Western Songnen Plain meadow swamp type aqua-ecological sub region 112 7.8 RAⅢ1 Agricultural type of hilly and mountainous area in Minor Khingan Mountains aquaecological sub region 117 7.9 RAⅢ2 Agricultural type of transitional zone in the middle reaches of Songhua River aquaecological sub region 123 7.10 RAⅢ3 Second Songhua River Middle reaches of the hilly agricultural types aqua-ecological sub region 128 7.11 RAⅢ4 Middle and lower mountain agricultural types in Mudanjiang aqua-ecological sub region 133 7.12 RAⅣ1 Mountain forest types in Changbai Mountain aqua-ecological sub region 138 7.13 RAⅣ2 Montane forest types in the upper reaches of Mudanjiang aqua-ecological sub region 144 7.14 RAⅤ1 Sanjiang Plain Agricultural type aqua-ecological sub region 149 7.15 RAⅤ2 Woken River hilly agricultural plain type aqua-ecological sub region 155 8 Description of aqua-ecologic function third-stage zoning in Songhua River Basin / 161 8.1 RAⅠ1-1 Upper reaches of Greater Khingan Range River in Nenjiang hilly land forest type habitat maintenance function area 161 8.2 RAⅠ1-2 Nenjiang middle reaches of Greater Khingan Range hilly farmland farmland type agricultural production maintenance function area 172 8.3 RAⅠ2-1 Source water conservation of woodland and river type in the source hills of Greater Khingan Range Nenjiang function area 181 8.4 RAⅠ2-2 Greater Khingan Range Gan river habitat type source mountain woodland maintain functional area 187 8.5 RAⅠ2-3 Greater Khingan Range Guo River Forest Hills town Marne habitats maintain and support city function area 196 8.6 RAⅠ3-1 Right bank of Nenjiang river Nuomin mountain woodland habitats and maintain water conservation function area 206 8.7 RAⅠ3-2 Water conservation of Nenjiang Right Bank of Chaoer River mountain forest river type function area 220 8.8 RAⅠ3-3 Right bank of Nenjiang Taoerhe River upstream mountain woodland habitats maintain functional area 226 8.9 RAⅠ4-1 Nenjiang Ya Lu River bank type hilly farmland River agricultural production to maintain functional area 236 8.10 RAⅠ4-2 Right bank of Nenjiang Taoerhe River hilly grassland farmland river habitats maintain agricultural production and maintenance function area 245 8.11 RAⅠ4-3 Right bank of Nenjiang River upstream of Huolinhe mountain grassland types of water resources support function area 255 8.12 RAⅡ1-1 Left bank of Nenjiang nemor River hilly farmland types of urban river city support function area 265 8.13 RAⅡ1-2 Left bank of Nenjiang Wuyuer River Hills town farmland river type agricultural production to maintain and support the city function area 274 8.14 RAⅡ1-3 Songnen Plain Farmland Hulan River plain rivers in the eastern part of agricultural production to maintain functional area 286 8.15 RAⅡ2-1 Central Songnen Plain Farmland in Nenjiang plain in the lower reaches of the river type agricultural production to maintain functional area 292 8.16 RAⅡ2-2 Upper reaches of the Songhua River plain urban central Songnen Plain Farmland river types of agricultural production and maintain city supporting function area 301 8.17 RAⅡ3-1 Western plain of Songnen Plain downstream Taoerhe river type city town farmland supporting function area 310 8.18 RAⅡ3-2 Western Songnen Plain and downstream of Second Songhua River plain farmland river type agricultural production maintenance function area 323 8.19 RAⅢ1-1 Water conservation function in small Xingan Mountain hilly woodland Tangwang River river type function area 329 8.20 RAⅢ1-2 Small Xingan Hulan River upstream hilly woodland type ridge town river habitat to maintain and support city function area 342 8.21 RAⅢ1-3 Xiao Xingan Ling Tangwang River types water downstream hilly forests support functional area 348 8.22 RAⅢ2-1 Songhua River River in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in the town of hilly forest land type habitat maintenance and urban support functional area 361 8.23 RAⅢ2-2 Ashe river hill town in the middle reaches of Songhua River river type of agricultural production maintenance and urban support function area 370 8.24 RAⅢ2-3 Middle reaches of Songhua River River Valley in the hilly area of agricultural production and maintenance of functional area 376 8.25 RAⅢ3-1 Middle reaches of Second Songhua River Yitong River hilly farmland river types of agricultural production to maintain functional area 385 8.26 RAⅢ3-2 Middle reaches of Second Songhua River plain farmland downstream of Yitong River types of agricultural production and maintain water resources support function area 397 8.27 RAⅢ4-1 Middle and lower reaches of Mudanjiang hilly land forest river type water resources support function area 403 8.28 RAⅢ4-2 Middle reaches of Mudanjiang River in the mountainous area forest land type water conservation function area 411 8.29 RAⅣ1-1 Changbai Mountain second river land type of forest land water conservation function area 420 8.30 RAⅣ1-2 Changbai Mountain first river Jiangshan woodland river type water resources support function area 428 8.31 RAⅣ1-3 Huifahe river of Second Songhua River type river water resources support Woodland Hills town and city support function area 436 8.32 RAⅣ2-1 Water resources support and water conservation of forest land types in the upper reaches of Mudanjiang function area 446 8.33 RAⅣ2-2 Habitat type and water conservation of forest land in Changbai Mountain Jingpo Lake function area 455 8.34 RAⅣ2-3 Water resources support and water conservation function area of upland forest in Jiaohe of Second Songhua River function area 468 8.35 RAⅤ1-1 Sanjiang plain Songhua River lower reaches plain farmland river type agricultural production maintenance function area 474 8.36 RAⅤ1-2 Agricultural production maintenance and urban support of plain farmland in Jiamusi section of Songhua River function area 483 8.37 RAⅤ2-1 Upper reaches of Woken River hilly forest river habitats maintain functional area 495 8.38 RAⅤ2-2 Middle and lower reaches of Woken River plain farmland river type agricultural production maintenance function area 504 9 Description of river reach aqua-ecosystem types in Songhua River Basin / 512 9.1 River basic type 1 Bend rapid woodland river type 513 9.2 River basic type 2 Bend rapid grassland river type 518 9.3 River basic type 3 Bend slow woodland river type 523 9.4 River basic type 4 Bend slow grassland river type 528 9.5 River basic type 5 Bend slow farmland river type 533 9.6 River basic type 6 Straight rapid woodland river type 538 9.7 River basic type 7 Straight rapid grassland river type 543 9.8 River basic type 8 Straight slow woodland river type 547 9.9 River basic type 9 Straight slow grassland river type 552 9.10 River basic type 10 Straight slow farmland river type 557 9.11 River basic type 11 Slow town river type 562 9.12 River basic type 12 Slow lake and reservoir type 567 9.13 River basic type 13 Slow salt marsh river type 572 9.14 River basic type 14 Slow freshwater marsh river type 577 References / 583
