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New Thinking in GIScience

New Thinking in GIScience

定 价:¥198.00

作 者: Bin Li,Xun Shi,A-Xin
出版社: 高等教育出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787040593792 出版时间: 2023-02-01 包装: 平装-胶订
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  




暂缺《New Thinking in GIScience》作者简介


1 From Representation to Geocomputation: Some Theoretical Accounts of Geographic Information Science May Yuan
2 On Holo-spatial Information System Chenghu Zhou, Yixin Hua, Ting Ma, and Tao Pei
3 The Virtual Geographic Environments: More than the Digital Twin of the Physical Geographical Environments Hui Lin, Bingli Xu, Yuting Chen, Qi Jing, and Lan You
4 Big Remote Sensing Data as Curves Fang Qiu and Yunwei Tang
5 GIScience from Viewpoint of Information Science Zhilin Li and Tian Lan
6 Towards Place-Based GIS Song Gao
7 The Bottom-Up Approach and De-mapping Direction of GIS Xun Shi, Meifang Li, and Xia Li
8 The Geography of Geography Weihe Wendy Guan
9 Classification and Description of Geographic Information: A Comprehensive Expression Framework Guonian Lv, Zhaoyuan Yu, Linwang Yuan, Mingguang Wu,Liangchen Zhou, Wen Luo, and Xueying Zhang
10 On the Third Law of Geography A-Xing Zhu
11 Human Mobility and the Neighborhood Effect Averaging Problem (NEAP) Mei-Po Kwan
12 How to Form and Answer the So What Question in GIScience Lan Mu
13 Prospects on Causal Inferences in GIS Bin Li
14 Bayesian Methods for Geospatial Data Analysis Wei Tu and Lili Yu
15 GIS Software Product Development Challenges in the Era of Cloud Computing. Fuxiang Frank Xia
16 Spatial Thinking of Computational Intensity in the Era of CyberGIS Shaowen Wang
17 GeoAI and the Future of Spatial Analytics Wenwen Li and Samantha T. Arundel
18 Deep Learning of Big Geospatial Data: Challenges and Opportunities Guofeng Cao
19 Towards Domain-Knowledge-Based Intelligent Geographical Modeling Cheng-Zhi Qin and A-Xing Zhu
20 Mitigating Spatial Bias in Volunteered Geographic Information for Spatial Modeling and Prediction Guiming Zhang
21 Dealing with Unstructured Geospatial Data Huayi Wu and Zhaohui Liu
22 Green Cartography and Energy-Aware Maps: Possible Research Opportunities Mingguang Wu, Guonian Lv, and Linwang Yuan
23 Next Step in Vegetation Remote Sensing: Synergetic Retrievals of Canopy Structural and Leaf Biochemical Parameters Jing M. Chen, Mingzhu Xu, Rong Wang, Dong Li, Ronggao Liu,Weimin Ju, and Tao Cheng
24 LiDAR Remote Sensing of Forest Ecosystems: Applications and Prospects Qinghua Guo, Xinlian Liang, Wenkai Li, Shichao Jin,Hongcan Guan, Kai Cheng, Yanjun Su, and Shengli Tao
25 Dense Satellite Image Time Series Analysis: Opportunities, Challenges,and Future Directions Desheng Liu and Xiaolin Zhu
26 Digital Earth: From Earth Observations to Analytical Solutions Cuizhen Wang
27 Spatial-Temporal Big Data Enables Social Governance Jianya Gong and Gang Xu
28 Geo-computation for Humanities and Social Sciences Kun Qin, Donghai Liu, Gang Xu, Yanqing Xu, Xuesong Yu,and Yang Zhou
29 Four Methodological Themes in Computational Spatial Social Science Fahui Wang
30 Geosocial Analytics Kai Cao, Yunting Qi, Mei-Po Kwan, and Xia Li
31 Defining Computational Urban Science Xinyue Ye, Ling Wu, Michael Lemke, Pamela Valera,and Joachim Sackey
32 What Can We Learn from "Deviations" in Urban Science? Fan Zhang and Xiang Ye
33 Variants of Location-Allocation Problems for Public Service Planning Yunfeng Kong
34 Smart, Sustainable, and Resilient Transportation System Zhong-Ren Peng, Wei Zhai, and Kaifa Lu
35 The "Here and Now" of HD Mapping for Connected Autonomous Driving Liqiu Meng
36 Modelling Teleconnections in Land Use Change Yimin Chen and Xia Li
37 Progresses and Challenges of Crime Geography and Crime Analysis Lin Liu
38 GIS Empowered Urban Crime Research Yijing Li and Robert Haining
39 GIS in Building Public Health Infrastructure Ge Lin
40 Challenging Issues in Applying GIS to Environmental Geochemistry and Health Studies Chaosheng Zhang, Xueqi Xia, Qingfeng Guan, and Yilan Liao
