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李斯特改编钢琴独奏曲:舒伯特歌曲集Ⅲ 天鹅之歌

李斯特改编钢琴独奏曲:舒伯特歌曲集Ⅲ 天鹅之歌

定 价:¥135.15

作 者: Franz Liszt 著
出版社: Dover
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9780486406220 出版时间: 1999-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  Brilliant tran*ions by the foremost pianist-composer of his day of all 14 songs in the series, including such masterpieces as "Das Fischermädchen," "Am Meer," "Abschied," "Ständchen," "Frühlings-Sehnsucht," "Der Doppelgänger," and other famed lieder. All meticulously reproduced from rare early editions overseen by Liszt himself. A modestly priced collection of hard-to-find gems for pianists and music lovers.


暂缺《李斯特改编钢琴独奏曲:舒伯特歌曲集Ⅲ 天鹅之歌》作者简介


Introduction to the Dover Edition
Lied[er] aus Fr. Schubert's Schwanengesang ftir das Piano-Forte ubertragen von E Liszt
[Song(s) from Franz Schubert's Swan Song
Transcribed for Piano by Franz Liszt]
R245/1-14. Transcribed 1838-9; published 1840.
1.Die Stadt [The City]
2.Das Fischermadchen [The Fisherman's Daughter]
3.Aufenthalt [Sojourn]
4.Am Meet [By the Sea]
5.Abschied [Farewell]
6.In der Ferne (Lamentazion') [Far from Home]
7.Standchen [Serenade]
8.Ihr Bild [Her Picture] with
9.Fruhlings-sehnsucht [Longing in Springtime]
10.Liebesbotschaft [Love Message]
11.Der Atlas [Atlas]
12.Der Doppelganger [The Double]
13.Die Taubenpost [Pigeon Post]
14.Kriegers Ahnung [Warrior's Premonition]
