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当前位置: 首页出版图书经济管理管理管理学理论你的指导:掌握最具谋略的领导能力、企业及你所面临的职业挑战



定 价:¥225.55

作 者: Robert Hargrove  著
出版社: John Wiley & Sons
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9780787971281 出版时间: 2004-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  Coaching has proven to be one of the most power and effective ways for leaders to develop and improve their performance. Yet working one-on-one with a coach is not always possible. If you want the experience of masterful coaching, Your Coach (In a Book) provides a time-efficient and affordable solution. Based on the authors’ highly successful Masterful Coaching approach, Your Coach (In a Book) is designed to help you master your trickiest leadership, business, and career challenges. Throughout, master-level coaches Robert Hargrove and Michel Renaud engage the reader in a “coaching conversation” about your most important goals, pivotal decisions, bothersome issues, and dilemmas. Your Coach (In A Book) simulates the experience of working with a personal coach. drawing on thousands of hours of coaching conversations. It gives you the insights you need to set aspirational goals, master the corporate chessboard, and create new openings for action where you are stuck or ineffective.




Preface: Our Leadership Manifesto—Better Leaders, Better World.
Introduction: Democratizing Coaching.
 1. What’s the Opportunity in Coaching for You?
Part One: Your Extraordinary Business Challenge.
 2. Declare an Impossible Future—That Captures People’s Imagination
 3. Face Reality—Identify What’s Missing That, if Provided, Will Produce a
 4. Create a Source Document—Vision, Major Milestones, Key Initiatives, Guiding
 5. Get Everyone to Formulate a Significant Business Challenge—Create Line of Sight to Strategic Goals
 6. Desperate to Break Out of the No-Growth Morass?—Blow Up Your Business Model Versus Tinker at the Margins
 7. Looking to Get a Chunk of Capital at Your Next Board Meeting?—The Best
 8. Create Customers Who Brag About You—Shift from a “Me” Point of View to a “You” Point of View
Part Two: Your Extraordinary Leadership Challenge.
 9. Be an Extraordinary Leader—Recognize That Your Winning Strategy has Gotten You
 10. Stand for Something!—Leadership Arises in Discovering Yourself as the Stand You Take
 11. Get Your Grand Design Over the Line—Vision Is Not Enough! Execute on Your
 12. Become a Master Politician—The Art of Politics for Non-Politicians
 13. Lateral Leadership: How to Lead When You Are Not in Charge—Build Coalitions
 14. Take an A Player in Every Job—Coach B’s, Redeploy or Release Chronic C’s
 15. Stop Being a Victim of Your Calendar—Start Focusing on What Makes a Difference, Not What’s Merely Important or Trivial
 16. Get Ready for Big Meetings Like a Championship Game—Focus on Who You Need to Be and On What You Need to Do
 17. Do You Have a Burning Ambition?—Seize the Crown, Stop Being Just a Good Soldier in the Long March of History
 18. Network to Match Your Ambition—Power Comes Not from Your Position but from How Connected You Are
 19. Sourcing a Powerful Relationship with Your Boss—The Art of Managing Up to Get Ahead
 20. Create an Extraordinary Career in a Turbulent World—Go for Mastery, Not Competence
 21. Dealing With Derailers—Shine Your Light, Manage Your Darker Side
 22. There’s a Conversation Out There About You That’s a Career Wrecker—Publicly Acknowledge It, Take Responsibility for It, Campaign to Change It
 23. Beat Burnout—Get to the Source of Frustration First, Then Deal With Overload
 24. Fed Up with Your Job? Take the “Go to America” Attitude and Get Out—Write a Résumé That Is a Ticket to a New and Better Universe
Glossary of Concepts.
About the Authors.
