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协同设计、可视化与工程:CDVE 2006/会议录

协同设计、可视化与工程:CDVE 2006/会议录

定 价:¥542.40

作 者: Yuhua Luo 著
出版社: 湖南文艺出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9783540444947 出版时间: 2006-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering, CDVE 2006, held in Mallorca, Spain in September 2006.The 40 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. The papers cover all current issues in cooperative design, visualization, and engineering, ranging from theoretical and methodological topics to various systems and frameworks to applications in a variety of fields.


暂缺《协同设计、可视化与工程:CDVE 2006/会议录》作者简介


Automated Social Network Analysis for Collaborative Work
Jabber Based Protocol for Collaborative Mobile Work
Using Autonomic Computing and Click Stream Analysis for Problem Identification in Continuous Production
Data Exchange in CAD During Iterative Work with Heterogeneous Systems
A Collaborative Design Platform for Assembly Process Planning
Mosaics of Visualization: An Approach to Embedded Interaction Through Identification Process
The Use of Cooperative Visualization in the Enhancement of Corporate Planning in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Collaborative Web-Based 3D Masterplanning
Use of Patterns for Knowledge Management in the Ceramic Tile Design Chain
Towards an Agent and Knowledge Enacted Dynamic Workflow Management System for Intelligent Manufacturing Grid
A Cooperative Engineering Environment Using Virtual Reality with Sensory User Interfaces for Steel Bridge Erection
A Collaborative Multimedia Editing System Based on Shallow Nature Language Parsing
Formulation and a MOGA Based Approach for Multi-UAV Cooperative Reconnaissance
A New Migration Algorithm of Mobile Agent Based on Ant Colony Algorithm in P2P Network
Protecting Agent from Attack in Grid Computing
An Information Integration Platform for Mobile Computing
Integration of Collaborative Design and Process Planning for Artificial Bone Scaffold 3D Printer Nozzle
Usability Ranking of Intercity Bus Passenger Seats Using Fuzzy Axiomatic Design Theory
A Study on BDI Agent for the Integration of Engineering Processes
The Usefulness of CSCW Systems in Process-Sensitive Software Engineering Environments
A Framework for Real-Time Collaborative Engineering in the Automotive Industries
An Intelligent Tutoring System for Construction and Real Estate Management Master Degree Studies
Visualizing Space-Based Interactions Among Distributed Agents: Environmental Planning at the Inner-City Scale
Author Index
